Chapter 1

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I open the door and I see a familiar face.
"Addy!" I squeal. I always get excited when Adelaide comes round.
"Violet! Can I come in?" Addy asks, laughing. I nod.
"Daddy! Get Addy's bag!" I yell.
My dad peeps his head round the door and sighs. "I'm not your slave. I'm tutoring Rosary."
"Rosary can wait." I sigh. I was very insensitive when it comes to me and Addy. I shuffle my skirt down as my dad looks at me. He's always moaning that my skirt is too short and I need to stop wearing band t-shirts even though I buy them with HIS money. After my dad has another fit about my skirt I decide to go up to my room with Addy. I slump on the double bed.
"Girl, why is my dad so rude and why do you look like your dressed by a group of grandmas?"
"My mom said I couldn't go out like a barbie. She said she'd lock me in the mirror room again."
She grabbed her face. Her Down's syndrome didn't make her ugly, it doesn't make anyone ugly, but she loathed to look like everyone else. I thought she looked beautiful the way she was. Her mom locked her in there if she was really bad and it made me hate Ms. Lockwood for a long time but now, I don't stress it. I've sorta forgave her for Addy's sake. Addy was my only friend in the world. My mom shouts me to take down the trash so I run out and in, only noticing 'OhMiDrugs' from the corner of my eye. Never get in a drug dealers way. This drug dealing group is so bad, people stay out there way... On fear of murder. Addy and I avoid them.
I ran out so fast, I didn't even realise that my mom was making cookies. Chocolate chip. Automatically, I walk to the kitchen and my mom is humming fifth harmony.
"Ergh! Put some different tunes on..."
Then I see Addy sat at the table. It gets to the chorus and she starts singing That's My Girl. I sigh.
"Sorry. I only know the chorus." She says.
"It's the song." I say, sighing.
"Vi, loosen up!" Mom says, passing me a chocolate chip cookie.
I take a bite. I walk up to my mom and look through the CD's on the side. I find one that grabs my attention and I put it on. A sigh escapes my moms lips and I run upstairs, laughing with addy.
"Vi!" Mom shouted. "We're going to the pools tomorrow, does addy wanna come?"
Addy shakes her head.
"No mom. Addy doesn't." I shout.
Addy left the next day at 10:30 which meant we left for swimming half an hour later. I put on a checkered top, black, ripped jeans and my signature black hat.
I walk downstairs and my dad sighs. "They're ripped. Oh well, it's not as bad as those skirts."
"Dad, this is my signature outfit. Don't diss it!"
"I don't care. Just don't go into danger!"
"Dad, I won't."
"Then what's this?" My dad asks, holding up my letter for a detention for going into isolation for punching a girl, self defence, Yano?
"Violet Harmon!" Mom says, reading the letter. "Another fight?"
"Hey, I won..."
"Just get out..." Mom sighs, unlocking the car, using her keys.
I sigh. I sit in the car and my dog follows. I stroke her head and whisper for her to go back in the house. She does as I say and mom thanks me as I unlock my iPhone. I message addy and she is Spring cleaning. Shame she couldn't of come, because it would be a good laugh. Maybe if she came, she could of been saved.
"Vi, why are you being antisocial? Have you met a boy?"
"No mom I haven't." I roll my eyes.
"What about cal?" Mom says.
I wretch. "Cal is so not my type. He's such a jerk!"
"A hot jerk!" Mom says and my dad frowns.
"Vivien!" Dad says. "Don't listen to her anyway Vi!"
I smile. "Thank you daddy!"
I look down. I wish I met a boy that I actually liked. People say that you find love in unexpected places. Love is always very unexpected. I clutch my purse tight. "Are you sure you have everything you need?" Mom asks.
"Yes mom!" I sigh.
I unlock my phone and I play a game. It was a good game and I connected it to Facebook to play with friends. I walk through the changing rooms with my parents and we get to the pool edge. I slip into the lukewarm water, sighing as my body gets wet. I love water to bits. I grab my waterproof camera and wear it around my neck. I start recording as I swim underwater, around people's legs. I go on the slides and record everything. I love to record. I flip and handstand under water. I can do a lot more.
"Show off!" My dad chuckles to me as I playfully punch him.
Suddenly, I hear a deathening scream.
"Addy!" I cry.
"No Vi! I'm sure Addy is okay..."
"No. Drive me over. Get changed quickly." I say, in a panic. My mom and dad sigh but they do what I say. I run in. "Pick me up at 5..." I sigh. "Violet! Help!" Constance (Ms Lockwood) yells from upstairs.
I run up and untie her. "Where's Addy?!?!" I ask.
"In the garden... Is she dead? I heard a scream." She sobs.
I run downstairs and straight into the garden.
"Constance! Call 911!" I say, seeing addy in a pool of her own blood.
"Vi..." Addy says, weakly.
"Shh! You'll live through this. You'll be okay!" I sob.
"I want you to meet him and find out why..."
"Are you insane?" I sob. "No Ads. I can't meet him."
"Please. For me." Addy says, struggling to breathe.
I nod. "Shh now!" I sob.
Addy stopped breathing just as the paramedics got to the garden. It affected me. Watching your best friend die. It's an image that you're not ever prepared for. Constance invites me in.
"Cigarette?" She offers. "Don't tell your mother I'm funding your addictions though." I take a cigarette out of the tin box and she lights it. I take a drag then sob. "She was my best friend." I cry. "Jesus H Christ, I wish they didn't take addy!"
"Same." Constance says, as I take a drag.
"Constance, are you numb?" I ask, not seeing any tears. People say that death can lead people so they have depression with no emotion at first.
Constance slowly nods. "Don't worry about me chick!" She sniffs. "I'll meet with addy in a better place!"
I sigh. "What was he like? The murderer?"
"Blonde hair, brown eyes." She sighs. "Why?"
I shrug.
"Violet, there's a reason you ask. I can see it in your eyes." Constance says.
"I...I wanna meet Addy's Murderer!" I blurt out.
Constance gasps.
Hola cliff hangers. Ily and if u come from Instagram ILYSFM TYSFM FOR READING. some people travel from Instagram to her to read  which makes me sooooo happy. Follow my ig @ahsbookz for cool stories. I'm starting another on there soon. In here I'm completing the story and making the chapters longer. M'kay love you byeee

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