Chapter 6

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I toss my phone on the bed. Does he know the truth on Tate?
"I need to see what he wants. Pick a song." I bite my lip. As I walk down stairs my heart beats fast.
"Yes daddy?" I ask, sweetly.
He looks at me disgusted.
"Violet, I've just been on the phone to Omidrugs..." he says.
"So what's that to do with me?" I say, clueless.
Tate plods on the steps.
He looks at me.
"Why have you been making deals with them? Deals about taking their drugs!!!" My dad states, angry.
"What?!?! I haven't!" I say, shocked for words.
"You're a druggie?" Tate says, mentally disturbed by this information.
I sigh and turn to face Tate.
"Yes, Tate, I pop fifty pills a day!" I say, sarcastically.
"You don't go there again okay? An anonymous source said they were to do with the murder of addy. They sent him to kill her apparently. That's all I know though I promise. Anyways if you popped pills you'd not see tomorrow..." Dad says.
I walk upstairs and there's a text from Terrence, omidrugs leader.
"You might be onto us but we're onto you, sweetie... watch your back. Also I told your father that you take our drugs. Sweet nightmares - Terrance xoxo" the message read. He was being sarcastic with the xoxo. I throw my phone down in panic.
Tate scans the message and he holds me close.
"Don't worry, Violet. I promise I won't let them near you! Look, I'm gonna pick a song and we're gonna have a dance party and forget what troubles you." Tate says. I smile. He put on bad things and I sigh. Really? I dance a bit sarcasticly. "Sorry Tate but this isn't a rave song..."
"Oh yeah, what's your rave song, Vi?"
I chuckle and I put high school musical on.
I dance and rave to fabulous and Tate stares at me.
"No Violet, honey, no." He says.
I chuckle. I put on You Know You Like It from DJ Snake. It has a good tempo. My dad walks in.
"You weirdos." He throws in a pair of basketball shorts.
"Those clothes look dull. Put these on and I'll clean your other clothes and try and get that stain off." My dad says.
I look at Tate's top and there's a stain. I chuckle. Bless him. I go into my en-suite.
"Tell me when you're decent!" I laugh.
I change into my Levi's top and my lace panties was on show. I forget that I was wearing these and walk in. Tates not wearing a top which I don't mind. He smiles at me weirdly so I smile at him and turn to grab something off the side.
"Oh and Violet?" He says.
"Yes?" I say, turning round as I roll my eyes.
"Victoria wants her thongs to be a secret!" Tate says, laughing.
I gasp and turn a bright red shade of crimson. I slip baggy white knickers over the top. We lay down on my bed.
"Tate you really are something else." I sigh.
"Am I?" He says, standing up. He smirks down at me.
"Yes." I stand up, walking towards him.
He looks at me. "Your cute when you pretend to be pissy."
I pout. "Leave me alone!"
He tickles me as I laugh hysterically.
We stare at each other for a while before Tate leans in and our lips meet.
"Tate!" I can't kiss you! You killed Addy!" I snarl.
"Don't tell anyone. Please. That was my first kiss..." he says, biting his lip.
"Mine too. First kisses have tounges it was just lips. Lets call it a friendly kiss?"
He nods.
"Violet! Tate!" Mom shouts up the stairs. "Teas ready."
"Last one down is a rotten egg..." Tate says, as he has a head start.
I run down stairs and I still manage to beat him.
"How did you?" He asks.
"I'm fast!" I smirk.
He smiles. We walk to the table.
We scoop our generous portions onto our plates.
"Okay, Tate..." mom starts.
"Uh huh?" He says.
"So, uh you've quite took to our vi?"
"Mom." I whine, putting my head in my hands.
"It's fine Violet, yes I have. I think she's great." He says.
I take a bite from my plate.
"I think you'd make a fine boyfriend for her." Mom says.
I choke. "Mom!" I say.
"Well. He's a nice boy."
"You don't say that mom!" I say.
Tate smiles at me as I take another forkful. "Id like to think of myself as raised quite well and you're not snobby but I thought you guys would be..."
I choke again. "Tate!"
My dad puts on a posh accent. "What are you on about Tate, we eat caviar everyday." He says as I laugh.
"Don't mind him. He's not normal." I sigh.
"Normal people scare me." He shrugs.
"What do you mean? You have anxiety?" I say.
"No. The crazies make me feel sane sometimes." He replies.
I shrug.
"Welcome to the Harmon family Tate!" My mom says, laughing.
"What does that mean?" Dad says.
"It means we have respect for Tate!"
"Oh uh I have questions." Dad says as I roll my eyes.
"What's your favourite feature of Violet?"
"Woah... I'm not gonna get with your daughter but I guess I like her eyes and her lips are kissable. I guess." Tate says.
"Have you ever had sexual relations?" Dad says.
"Dad!" I say, my eyes widening.
"No. I haven't even kissed anyone." Tate says.
"I'm still gonna watch you. Until I can fully trust that."
We chat and soon we have to go to see Mrs Langdon.
I knock on her door.
"Violet, Dearie! Hey, would you like to come in?"
I nod and step into her home. It's cramped and small but I loved it and the walls were painted nice colours like maroon and dark and royal purple. I look towards her.
"Such a lovely house you have here Mrs Langdon!" I say.
"Ahh Violet thank you. I bet it's not as nice as what your used to..."
"It's better. All the rooms are boring at ours!" I say.
She smiles. "Well come over any time. Maybe you can stay over one time. But I can't promise more than beans on toast for tea. We're a bit skint."
"It's fine. I love beans on toast. It's a good change from other stuff."
"I know Violet. I know. Your grateful for anything. I'll be there for you whatever life throws at you though, yno!"
"Thank you so much, mrs Langdon." I smile.
"It's no problem. Thank your mom for me vi! I'll see you soon."
I smile. "Goodnight Mrs Langdon."
"Please call me Karen!" She says.
I walk home, holding tates hand.
"Karen, I mean, mrs Langdon said thanks!" I shout to my mom.
She nods and I run upstairs. Picking my phone up, I froze. 50 unread messages from ohmidrugs. I fling my phone down and walk out.
"Where are you going?" Tate shouts.
"To give Omidrugs a piece of my mind!" I say.
Hiiiii sorry it's sucky and it took a while but ily guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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