Chapter 2

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I knew that Constance thought I was a crazy assed bitch by the look on her face.
"But why would you want to meet that monster?" Constance says.
"All monsters are human!" I sigh. "He might not seem it but he's human too!"
"You sound like your father." Constance says.
I put out the cigarette. "I wanna be with addy..." I sob, running out.
"Violet!" Constance shouts.
I run. I had no intentions. I was just gonna go home. I run through the front door, slamming it and running up to my bedroom. I lock the door. I get a knock on my door. "Violet, Hun. Please let me in." I hear my moms soft voice say.
"No. She's dead mom! She's dead!" I sob.
"I know, Violet. Please let me in. Don't you dare do anything stupid!" Mom says.
I reluctantly unlock the door.
"I'm not gonna kill myself mom..." I say. "I've been clean for about 7 months now."
"I know baby and I'm proud..." mom nods. "But Constance said —"
"Shh." I say, pulling my mom in a hug. "I just need to try and live without addy!"
Mom nods and leaves.
"Live without who?" I hear a voice in my ear, it sounded like addy. A tear slips down my cheek.
She appears in front of me.
"Don't cry bitch, betcha thought you saw the last of me!" Addy says, laughing.
"I did!" I nod. "But I can't live without you..."
"Well, I'm here! Please say that you'll meet him though!" Addy says. I nod.
"I made a promise!" I say.
I walk outside and look down the street. A run down house situated there. The woman who lived there looked quite sullen. I couldn't see her face properly, I never could but body language speaks loudly. She usually looked happy.
"That's his mother..." addy sighs.
"Who? Her?" I ask.
She nods.
"How do you know so much about him?" I ask.
"I don't." She replies.
I look concernedly at my best friend.
"I just saw him with her one time when you let me in your home." I smile.
I grab my purse from addy.
"We need to go..."
"Where?" She replies.
"I don't know but she just saw me looking at her." I say. "I think."
We run off to the end of the street. "I feel sorry for her..." addy says.
I shrug. "Her son is a murderer..."
I turn into the park.
"Do you want an ice cream?" I say.
"Always!" She nods. I get her a magnum and I climb up a tree.
"I talked to the killer. He won't tell me a thing..." addy sits next to me. "Be his friend and find answers."
"Addy I can't be a friend to a murderer and if my dad found out?!?!" I say, stunned.
"Please, for me?" Addy says.
I nod, bracing myself for risking my life for addy.
"What does he look like?" I ask, hanging upside down from the tree.
"Like I'm gonna tell you!" Addy laughs. "You'll see, besides curiosity killed the cat..."
"What's that supposed to mean, Ads?"
She shrugs.
"Don't want you falling for him before you meet him..." addy sighs.
"What the Fuck Adelaide. I'll never love a killer. Especially one that killed you!" I say.
"Well, am I here or not?"
"Well, you're here but—"
"Violet! Am I here?"
"Yes..." I sigh. "Did the dude say anything when he killed you?"
"Yeah... shit I shouldn't of done that. I should of just took what I had coming if I didn't." Addy sighs.
"What!" I say.
"I think he's innocent enough." Addy says.
"I don't. He could of just said that to brainwash you in case you lived." I said. "So you didn't charge him of attempted murder."
"I don't know. He seemed legit Violet."
"But Lance did when he said he loved me last year... then he told everyone I was self harming at the time."
"Lance was a prick. He's not. He seems nice!" Addy says.
"Your delusional..." I say.
"You have trust issues from Lance..." addy says.
"Shut the fuck up about Lance! For gods sake!" I say.
"Vi—" addy starts.
"He's the reason for these..." I sob, showing her my scar-ridden arms.
"I'm sorry—" addy starts.
"I know and I am..." I say, sighing.
I grab my bag and I open it slowly, I pull out what I had that we could share, a cookie. I hid it there for emergencies. It's been in there for a day. I hid it because my mom said too or dad would eat it. I try to take a selfie with addy but she turns invisible. God damned ghost powers. I hang from the branch. Addy sits on top. "Why don't you want another picture with me?" I sigh.
"They can't know about this... I need everyone to think I'm dead..." addy says. "They'll think you've gone crazy!"
"Maybe I have..." I sigh.
"Oh Adelaide, I wish you were still alive..."
"See it this way. More sleepovers because we don't need permission..." addy says.
She's always got a way to put things.
"I've gotta go home. I'll catch up later. Mom will wonder where I've gone. Ill talk for a bit to her." I sigh.
I walk inside and my mom runs around the house frantically calling my name.
"Mom! I'm at the door!" I shout up to her.
"Thank god your safe! I saw omidrugs and that walk past the house. I think they were going down there. She points to the way of the run down houses.
"It's okay mom! They won't be murdering anyone. I don't think." I sigh.
Mom invites me to the kitchen and I pick a cookie off the cooling rack. It's still warm but the centre is gooey and I sigh in utter pleasure.
"Mom, stop making cookies. I'm getting fat!" I say.
"Your not fat! You look a bit of a mess!" Mom says.
"Thanks mom but personal appearance is not gonna be great because I can't be bothered right now!" I sigh.
"Oh yeah... I'm sorry vi!" Mom says.
"It's okay I suppose. I'm going to my room..."
"Vi..." mom says.
"I'm fine." I say simply.
I walk up to my room and lock my door. I turn on my ghetto blaster. I grab my phone and I click on messages. I have support from everyone at school even the ones who bully me rotten. Some of them offer to be my friends. I know it's an act of kindness but it helps me feel a sense of belonging. It was amazing. I look at my fan and hate messages on episode. For one bitch, there was 10 nice people. It makes me smile.
"Violet, I've got the police on the phone..." my dad says, outside my door.
"Can they wait?" I say.
"They've found addy's killer."
What's gonna be said next. Sorry it's a bit late. School has got me wanna cri and stuff lol 😂 I'll upload soon I promise.

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