Chapter 3

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"Why didn't you say so!" I say, unlocking my door.
My dad laughs.
I smile.
"Violet here!" I say through the phone.
"Hello, Ms. Harmon. We thought you might want to see the killer. His name is Tate Langdon!" The officer says.
"Thank you, I'll be over now!" I say.
My dad smiles. "Is it important?"
I nod. "Always, duty calls I guess!"
I run out the door before my dad questions it, running straight into Terrance. He picks me up by my collar. "Where are you going posh twat!" He spits.
"N-nowhere..." I stutter.
"I'll find out sooner or later!" He says, spitting on me.
I run through the park and through the fields. The so called short cuts to the station. I didn't want to go the roadway, in case I bump into more Omidrugs' members. They were a few teenagers in the field. Some that I used to hang with when I used to get smashed all the time in these fields. I sorta miss it but looking at there hungover faces, holding bottles, it put me off slightly. They were still my friends, though. I just haven't seen them for a couple of weeks, meaning sober me. My 'friends' stumble over.
"Hey Lacey!" I say as my friend comes over. Her real name is Alycia but we call her Lacey because she woke up one morning with the biggest whale tail ever.
"Hey Violet!" She slurs. "You coming round later?"
I nod. "Sure..." I say, I best do or she'll think I've gone off them and she's violent drunk. I've just got myself into some trouble by walking through here.
"So where you going..." she slurs. I sigh.
"To the police station. They told me to go..." I sigh.
"Oh yeah, I heard you pop pills." Lacey says.
"From where?" I say, mortified.
"Terrance. He got me my daily fix!" Lacey says. By daily fix I knew what she meant, drugs.
"Yeah... okay... well I don't..." I say, storming past Lacey and the bunch.

As I arrive, I was out of breath, my hair stuck to my face and I was as red as a ruby. I walk in and the station smells like disinfectants. I greet the officer who happened to be the one on the phone. I push my hair from my face but it clung to my cheeks with sweat. I shouldn't of ran here. He takes me to interrogation room 3 and he gives me a remote.
"Press the red button if he attacks, press the blue button to leave... after a certain amount of time Mr. Langdon will have to go back to his cell but it's just incase he upsets you and you want to go. It unlocks the door but the red button gets the guards." The officers says. I nod.
"Thank you..." I look down at the remote, geez, was I in danger? The officer leaves me, lost in thought, may I add. I open the door and it creaks slightly. A boy sits in a chair, his long fringe covering his face, I haven't even seen him but his hair was cute as hell. The orange contrasted with his blonde-brown hair and his hands were hand-cuffed to a chair. I shut the door and his head bolts up. I sit in the chair to view who I was dealing with. Tate Langdon. What can I say about Tate Langdon? His jawline was sharp enough to stab a bitch, his hair was messy but fell perfectly against his forehead and his eyes, oh those eyes. They were round and a deep chocolate brown. Did it get hot in here? I try to move my hair from my sweaty face. "Go on..." addy whispers.
I bang my fists on the table, causing Tate to jump. "W-Why did you do it?" I snarl.
"I can't tell you that... but it's something to do with omidrugs."
"Oh so your a dealer?!?!" I say, a look of amusement on my face.
"No. Never." Tate says.
Man, I was so nervous.
"D-do you w-want me to talk to o-omidrugs?" I stutter. Damn, Violet you shouldn't be nervous.
"No!" Tate says. "It will only end in hurt and you can't let your pretty self be hurt! What's your name, your so strong!"
"Violet Harmon." I reply, simple and smug.
"I don't wanna sound creepy but I used to see you every day. I live on your street..."
"Really?!?!" I splutter. "I've never seen you..."
"I don't like to draw attention to my self." He replies.
"Bit too late for that." I reply to him, bluntly.
The guard enters. "Say your final bye bye Tate..." he sighs.
"Comeback tomorrow, please Violet!" Tate pleads.
"I don't know whether I —"
"Try!" He cuts me off. And me being the stupid cow I am, will. I walk out the station and a massive weight is released. I walk home, smug with myself. I grab my bag and pick up my phone. I best call my mum. I daren't call my dad to ask to stay out.
"Mom, can I stay out."
"What time?" She said, through the receiver.
"11PM?" I ask, it was 9:30pm now. It was getting dark.
"Ergh. Fine. Your lucky dad is at work. No Alycia though. She's a bad role model."
"Whatever!" I say, hanging up. I can imagine my mom now, bracing herself for a drunken me.
I walk over to the fields of clods, my shoes getting dirtier by the minute. I stand near a tree and Lacey comes up to me, smoking something that smelt a lot like weed. Oh yeah, she's holding a blunt. I sigh and pick up my phone. "Lacey, that shit stinks!" I say, scrunching my nose up.
"It cost me 50 bucks for 5 of these, do you want one? I don't mind sharing..."
"I'm good. I have to be in at 11 too!" I say.
"Well we best get you started in the tequila." She sighs.
I take a shot and the liquid slips down my throat, burning my trachea. I cough and splutter and Lacey starts to laugh. "You gone lightweight on us, Violet, or should I say, Little Ms. Virgin..."
"I could go all night. And I'm not a virgin!" I say, 2 big lies.
"Okay when did you lose it Violet..." Lacey says.
"A couple of weeks back..." I lie.
"To who?" She sneers.
"A boy called Tate Langdon!" I say, the first name that comes in my head. She types frantically on her phone and unfortunately finds Tate on Facebook.
"Is that him?" She swoons.
I nod. "Be careful vi! I'll take him off you for a bang anytime!"
I give her a dirty glare. "God, your still a dirty slut!" I say, my voice slurring slightly from the tequila. So we through shots and vodka around and I stumble home, laughing. I roll through the door, puking in the downstairs toilet. My mom comes in with a stern look on her face.
"Violet Harmon!" She says, a stern expression on her face. I knew she was mad and I knew I'd be hungover. I felt like crap. Getting drunk wasn't worth it.
Heya lovelies! 💙
I think that was an okay chapter. I've added Lacey in this version. Will she be around more? Is she dangerous? Will she be a fuck up? Okaiiii we all no the answer to the last one. She already is.
Okay guys, you know the drill. VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE. I'll update soon

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