Chapter 4

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"M-mom?!?!" I slur. "I'm n-not drunk..."
"Well your definitely not sober Violet!" Mom says, rolling her eyes. "I said no Alycia or Lacey as you call her after the incident."
I roll my eyes. "Whatever mom!"
Then I take myself to bed. At 11:15. I get sleepy drunk but very silly. I wake up at 6:30 and I hold my head. I was so hungover I felt like I was dying. I take some paracetamol and I walk downstairs, my stomach growling with hunger and emptiness from puking my rots up. I rub my eyes and my dad is stood in the kitchen. I wonder why he was out. He works inside the house. I look through the fridge and make my breakfast of choice, pancakes and syrup. "So little bump kins, do you want a lift?" He says.
I shake my head, trying not to make eye contact. "I can walk dad."
"You look hungover and smell vile. I'll be asking your mom why..."
I roll my eyes. "If I smell vile me and my friends were playing bean-boozled and I forgot to shower and change and I guess I'm just tired." I walk past my dad and I grab the pot of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. I scoop some on top of my pancakes.
I sigh. My mom walks in the kitchen.
"Hello Ben, hello Vi!" She says, cheerfully.
"Hey mom!" I say, my mouth full of pancakes and Ice cream.
"Violet Harmon! All that sugar on your teeth!" My mom scolds. "And you better of brushed your teeth last night!"
"Was she drinking Vivien. She looks hungover as a doormat!" Dad looks at my mom. I look at her and bite my lip.
"No." Mom said surprisingly. "She came in at 8, asked to have Lacey round for half an hour. They played bean boozled in the living room. Lacey brought it then vi threw up."
How did she know about me telling dad about bean boozled.
"Well sorry Violet. I've got a patient in today. I need your advice" dad says.
"Hit me." I say.
"She thinks she's going demented because people don't like her. But she knows she's nice inside but every time she sees someone she stutters and sometimes starts swearing."
"I think she needs to take deep breaths and then let them talk first. Talking first is always more nerve racking" I say.
"Thanks Vi! You'd actually be a good Physiatrist one day." Dad says with a smile.
"So do you have plans today?" Mom says, turning to me.
"Uh huh. Gotta go to the station in a bit. Then I might hang where me and addy used to." I sigh.
"Vi, it's nice but your going there everyday!" Mom says.
"It was addy's favourite spot in this town" I sigh.
"You sorta need to let go." Mom says as she bites her lip.
"She's not dead. She lives in here, here and here." I say, pointing to my ear, heart and brain.
Mom nods. "If it makes you happy. I'll be baking today."
"Yay!" I clap my hands together in delight.
I walk out of the front door at 8. Almost tripping over my own feet. I was gonna see Tate again today. Wait, what? Why am I happy?!?! I start to run and I reach the train station at 8:30. I run in and bump strait into Officer Morgan. He was a nice officer with a moustache. One of Constance's many, many exes.
"Hey Mr Morgan!" I say.
"What's happening right now" he looked at me confusingly. "Is this about the death of Adelaide. I miss her."
"Me too, Mr Morgan, me too... I did promise to meet Mr Langdon though."
"Right this way. I'll stay in interrogation today." He sighs. "Criminals are aggressive." As I approach the room I took a deep breath. "Are you sure your ready?" Officer Morgan says. I nod my head. "As I'll ever be."
He looks at me "right this way then!"

Tate sits there with his fists on the table and messy hair.
"I've just woken up..." He groans.
He looks up at me. "Why so early?"
"Well, I don't care what you say! You killed Adelaide!" I reply
"Mrs Lockwood never saw my face!" Tate says, with sadness in his eyes, looking me in the face. 
"It was you." I snarl. "I know it was."
"No." He holds his head. "I can't. The memories."
"Why did you even want me here?" I sigh.
"I need to make bail." He sighs.
"You need to rot in here!" I sigh. "You killed someone very important to me."
Tate holds his head in hands and cries. "Why are you doing this?"
"I don't know, why did you kill addy."
"I told you! I can't tell you!" Tate yells, getting up. Mr Morgan got up and Tate gets angry. I was scared of getting hurt.
The guards hand cuff him to a chair.
"Your just a cunt! You make me sick!" I say. "I'll come back tomorrow but I won't like it!" I sigh and the officers take him to his cell. I go outside and call my father. He was concerned because he said he'd give me a lift but I told him I'm okay and I'm going to addys favourite spot in the world. I climb up the tree, our tree, and close my eyes, sleepily. I must of fell asleep because my phone rung, waking me up. I dusted myself off and checked the time. It was 3pm. My dad was calling. "Hey." I say, not sounding at all tired.
"Vi, are you still at the park? I just need to know your okay!"
"Yeah. I'm fine. See ya dad!"
He says bye and I rub my eyes.
I sit back. And admire the view.
"Vi vi vi?" Addy says.
"What?" I say.
"She she she" addy says excitedly.
"What? Who's she?" I sigh. Addy made no sense. I look at her long hair and her excited face making movement as she tapped me. I looked for her. She was no where to be seen. "Addy reveal yourself" I laugh.
"I can't!" She giggles.
"Don't be pathetic!" I sigh.
I feel addy's breath on my cheek. "Addy I know your behind me." I sigh.
"She is she is coming. She's just under the tree now!" Addy laughs.
"Shut up lying Adelaide Lockwood!" I sigh. She's such a joker at times I don't know when she's serious. But was she serious this time. Of course she was. Tate lost his temper with me and I have to deal with people. What a fabulous day, not!
"Violet? Violet harmon?" A soft voice says.
"What?" I say, rudely. I couldn't be assed with anyone. What could this woman want with me.
"I'm Tate's mother." She says, biting her lip and looking up at me.
Sorry it's cut short a lil bit. Sorry for the cliff hanger. Sorry for the wait.
Sorry for the crappy chapter
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