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Somehow Cherry ends up in Connie's bed and having the young dark haired girl in her arms. They watch the night through the open window and how the moon was their only source of light.

"I didn't know you smoke," Cherry says suddenly. "How long?"

Connie holds up one finger.


Connie only shrugs and Cherry sighs.

"Why won't you tell me anything?"

Connie moves her fingers and Cherry watches every stroke.

I barely know you.

She lets out a laugh. "Yet, you let me into your bed, and also, you're in my arms."

You have a beautiful voice Connie replies.

"And you have beautiful hands," Cherry teases.

Continue talking I like the sound of your voice.

"Okay well. What should I say?"

Connie points up at Cherry.

"Hmm. What about me? I grew up here, but moved after a while, and then came back because of my mom's job opportunity. I like Oreos and cats and listening to music. My favorite band is The Killers and now Taylor Swift," Connie giggles and Cherry smiles before continuing, "I like to dance. My favorite food is Chinese and I love to drink peach tea. I've never done a sport in my life, and I don't plan too. My talent is easily communicating with people wherever and whenever. I love anything that has crazy print and my birthday is April 9th. Also, I liked girls ever since I kissed this boy and girl in fourth grade, and realized I like kissing the girl better. I've had maybe three girlfriends my seventeen years of life. Your turn."

Connie sighs and holds up her hand up sideways and with the other putting an upside down 'L' indicating 'later'.

"No fair! I just shared the basic things about me, and now you're leaving me in the dark?"

Connie scoots up closer to Cherry loving how she feels warm underneath the covers. She breaths into her zebra print pajamas that smell like peach tea. Cherry pulls her up so they lay down in front of each other and Connie smiles.

"Tell me something about you," Cherry presses.

I like dancing too was all Connie answers with, and with that she she huddles closer to Cherry who gladly wraps her arms around her.

Silence by the M(in)uteWhere stories live. Discover now