Teen Wolf 3x15 Rant

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Whooaaaa okay guys this was an INSANNEEEE episode!! I'd like to first talk about how motherfucking SCARY that Barrow guy was! Like OMG I had chills from the minute he was talking to Melissa right up until he died. And even though we found out who he was after (Kira), we didn't find out why. We knew he was after werewolves for some psycho movie-related reason, but as far as we know, Kira isn't a wolf?? So what is she?! She absorbed that electricity! I'd like that to be explained ASAP por favor because Scott + Kira are my new favorite ship of all time! They're so cute I can't even. When Scott was over at her house for dinner and he was all adorable not knowing how to eat sushi and then she taught him how to use chopsticks and THEN SHE FREAKIN FED HIM THE SUSHI!!!!! I was dying. It was too great. Speaking of the other ships in this episode, there were many

Stiles and Lydia were on a roll in 3x15! I loved how comfortable they were hanging out together, especially when Lydia was on his bed! Like, just casually hanging out. They are such a wonderful pair, they really bring out the best in each other and they're both really just the smartest people on the show. When they solved that atomic-number-Kira-code thing together, I was thinking "Only Stiles and Lydia...only Stiles and Lydia." I love them!

The other ship that was happening in this episode was Isaac+Allison! Even though I haven't really liked them in the past, I did last night! They were just very casual and cool around each other, and super cute too. I especially appreciated the writers for making Allison not be all over Isaac right away. It was refreshing. But now onto the scene after that, when Isaac took off his shirt (GODBLESS) and then Allison did the same...I was already flipping out. It was so sudden and wild and hilarious lol. But THEN Mr. Argent walks in! And I just fell off my couch laughing. It was too good of a moment. Hahah but anyway, I ship Isaason (or whatever their ship name is) now! Yay!

And finally, I loved the shipping of Papa Stilinski and Mama McCall! I've always loved them together, and they really teamed up tonight (at least in the beginning of the episode). On the other hand, I am still not a fan of Papa McCall...he seems like a collossal douche:P I thought it was cute when Scott asked his mom why she kept his father's name, and she said it was because of him...<3 As a child of divorced parents, I loved that scene :) I also thought it was a nice change that Kira's dad took her mom's name! Pat on the back, MTV, that was awesome. 

And once again, the twins made a stunning appearance in last night's episode. I don't think I will ever be able to get over their hotness, but I'm trying. I'm really trying. Anyway, I thought it was quite sad when Scott turned them down to be a part of his pack! Those boys need a home :( But then I was also dying laughing when Ethan and Aiden found Danny making out with the guy who I believe was his ex right? He looked vaguely familiar. Anyway, I felt bad for Ethan but I'm curious as to when he and Danny broke up? When Season 3A ended, he and Danny were happy. So what happened?? We kind of got a look at it when Lydia told Aiden he couldn't just "come back after two weeks of nothing", but they were never really dating. And also, didn't she contact Aiden in the previous episode to help Scott?? So why did she act so mad at him? And why did she also act like they hadn't talked for two weeks when clearly they had? Confusion on the details, Jeff Davis. 

I also thought it was a nice backdrop to the whole episode that it was "prank night". The countless HYSTERICAL Coach Finstock moments had me laughing out loud in my basement by myself lol, he is truly one of my favorite characters. At this point, he's almost better comic relief than Stiles. Almost. Coach Finstock is my life, I love him. And there was a shot at Greenburg! Finally! Coach's old punching bag is back:) 

Also, what's the deal with the Hale Family Drama side story?? I'm very befuddled. I understand Derek and Peter were kidnapped and tortured, but by who?? And what happened to the girl that saved them?? And why did Deucalion hire her to save them? Why didn't he do it himself? WHERE IS HE? It's like all the Big Bads from 3A just disappeared off the face of the Earth (well Jennifer died, but still). Also, what happened to Peter's big proclamation about becoming the alpha again? Did that go away? I just feel like three episodes down and we still have so many unanswered questions about our favorite Hales. I thought it was touching that Derek got to talk to his mama, but ABOUT WHAT?? Next episode better shed some light or I'm done. (No jk i could never be done with Teen Wolf:D ) 

Speaking of being done, I have one more thing I'd like to address you guys about. There are rumors buzzing around about a big death at the end of the season, and they've just been confirmed by several different sources and interviews. Now, I've heard many different "spoilers" about the death, but the only things we know for absolute certainty are that 1) the person is a "core cast member" and 2) that we've "grown to love them" Now, from this, I've also gathered my other information and I'll tell you right now that it's not completely reliable - it's just RUMOR. Anyway, I've heard that this person is male, and that it's most likely either Derek or Allison because they are the only ones who haven't confirmed next season. Now, they could of course just be teasing us, and maybe the person who dies has in fact already signed on for flashback purposes or whatnot, but let's just say the chances of it being Derek or Allison are higher than the rest. That said, if the person is indeed male, that would mean Derek. In addition to the male thing, I think we should take into account that is said that this is a person we've "grown to love". That implies that we didn't love them right away. The Big Three main characters (Scott, Stiles, and Allison) we liked right away. There was no doubt about that. We also loved Lydia when we first met her because, let's be honest, going from queen bitch to banshee is not exactly "growing to love" someone. The only main characters I can think of that we weren't introduced to like were Derek and Isaac. Although Isaac did begin as a helpless orphan and subject of abuse, which means we felt bad for him. As much as it pains me to say this, I think we must face the fact that Derek is most likely the character who will die at the end of the season. And while I know I will bawl my eyes out for days (like I did when we thought he was dead in 3A), I kind of do understand it. Derek isn't a part of the Beacon Hills gang anymore. He isn't an Alpha; and his storyline doesn't really seem to be going anywhere. 

I'd like to hear your guys' opinions on who you think the big death will be, and in the meantime, enjoy your week! I'll see you guys next Monday for 3x16 :) xoxox

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