Chapter Twenty-Six: Friday Night Bites

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                  “Would you please stop pacing for just a second?” I groaned, finally tearing my gaze away from the Physics work I was doing just to stay caught up in school as my second-to-last day of suspension wound down. For the past two days, Derek had been so busy with the pack that I’d hardly got to spend any time with him. In bed at night, he’d confided in me that while the members had finally gotten a hang of some of the werewolf tricks he’d taught them, they were still rambunctious and unfocused and completely useless if a fight arose, except for Drake and Axel, who would be useful in any fight even if they were human. 

“I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to do with them anymore. They aren’t unified, they don’t like working together...they’re not a pack, they’re just a bunch of teenagers!”

“Well maybe you need to take them on some sort of team-bonding experience. You know, go camping or road trip down to Malibu or something,” I suggested idly as I returned to my equations, stifling a cry when I received a particularly painful kick from the baby.

“Baby agrees,” I grunted, wrapping a hand around the underneath of my belly and cradling it. In only three short months, this belly bump will be an actual child. A baby. My baby. Our baby.

“That’s actually not a bad idea. I could take them down the coast a little, you know, camp in the woods by the ocean or something. We could hunt for food, train on the land and in the water, and-”

“I meant something more along the lines of roasting s’mores by the campfire and doing trust exercises, but your plan is good too,” I laughed, and Derek planted his butt on the bed, making a face as I chuckled at his very Derek-like ideas.

Ha ha ha, very funny,” he sneered, knocking my books away and lunging for me, pinning my arms aside and trying to tickle me.

“Ha! You can’t tickle me now that my stomach holds a six-month-old baby fetus! Yes!” I crowed with joy, rolling away from his disappointed hands and sidling out of the room.

“Not so fast!” Derek cried, running after me and scooping me up in his arms from behind, and as I let out a squeal and smacked his shoulder, we received several shushes from the nearby bedrooms.


***                                                   ***                                                      ***

              That Monday was my first day back at school, and with it came double the amount of work I’d had to do before and triple the amount of hostility and mockery from my classmates.

“Just ignore them,” Stiles mumbled as he fell in line beside me walking down the hall, trying not to see the glares and baby-bump motions from people as I passed them. Of course, I hadn’t been popular before I’d gotten pregnant, but the baby did nothing to help. And neither did concussing one of the star players on the lacrosse team.

                  The rest of the day was absolute torture; everywhere I went, every classroom, every bathroom, every hallway, people were making fun of me, glaring at me, or simply pretending like I wasn’t there. In my Physics class, somebody stuck a note on my baby bump that read “warning: psycho bitch” on it, and in my European Lit class two guys in the back kept mimicking hitting somebody on the side of the head with what I could only assume was a beaker. Ugh. And in my last class of the day, which unfortunately happened to be the AP Environmental Science class I’d been in when I’d smashed that guy with the beaker, we were taking a trip around the school to calculate the impact our school had on the environment. Nobody would speak even one word to me, and not a single person wanted to be my partner, so I was walking in the back by myself. I’d never missed Aiden so much in my life.

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