Chapter Eleven: As I Lay Dying

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                      “Oh my god,” I mumbled, my hands beginning to shake on the top of the dresser as I backed away, dodging Derek’s grasp and flitting my gaze around the bedroom that was suddenly too confining for me. This can’t be happening. This. Cannot. Be. Happening.

“Oh my god…”


“OH MY GOD!” I yelled without warning, fury erupting in me as I spun around to face Derek, my accusatory gaze growing stronger and more heated with every passing second. I’m a werewolf. Derek turned me into a werewolf. My blood boiled at the mere thought, although my anger only stemmed from the betrayal I felt from Derek. He knew I’d never wanted this, and yet - he’d done it anyway.

“You turned me?!” I screamed, flinging my arms out and shoving Derek in the chest, as hard as I could. To my surprise, he flew across the room, slamming into the closet door and crumpling to the ground. No. No no no this isn’t real, this isn’t me. I can’t be a werewolf.

“Chris, please-” he began again, clambering to his feet and reaching out for me, distraught, but I grabbed my shoes and purse and stormed past him, out of our bedroom and down the hall. 

“I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you - HOW COULD YOU?! How could you?” I cried, a slow steady pounding starting up in the back of my skull as I scrambled away from Derek. The tears pooled in my eyes finally began to spill over as the reality of my situation sunk in with every passing moment.

“WHAT DID YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?” Derek barked suddenly, snatching my wrist and yanking me back towards him. I let out a hiss, grinding my teeth as I ripped my hand from his tight grasp and glared at him with more hatred than I’d ever felt before. I hate him. I do. He turned me into this-this-monster. I’m not even me anymore. 

“You were dying, Chris. You were already dead for all that I knew! I couldn’t let you - I couldn’t watch as you - would you honestly rather be dead than a werewolf? You would rather be dead than like me?”

“YES!” I bellowed, my frustration boiling over as I let out a shriek and grasped at my hair, struggling not to tear it out in agony. I can’t be a werewolf. No no no.

“I never wanted this, Derek, and you knew that. You knew I never wanted to become a werewolf!”

“Why? All of your friends are! I am!”

“BUT I’M NOT! At least I wasn’t. And I wanted it to be that way. I never wanted this.” 

“Well I’m sorry for saving your life, Chris. Maybe I should’ve just left you to die then!” Derek shouted, his words hitting me like daggers to the heart. I let my face crumple as my silent tears melted into sobs that increased in volume as I stared at my fiancé, heartbroken and furious.

“You did leave me to die, Derek, or don’t you remember? You didn’t choose me. You chose to let me and Cora and Monica die because you fucking couldn’t choose!” And with that, I turned and fled the apartment, not wanting Derek to see as I completely broke down and began to sob hysterically. My heart ached and my mind felt numb, and not knowing where to turn if not to Derek, I called up the only other person who had always been there to protect me, who had saved me time and time again.

“Aiden? It’s Chris. I need your help.”

***                                                ***                                                    ***

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