Teen Wolf 3x23 Rant: Allison

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GUYS WHAT IS THIS. I CANNOT BELIEVE ALLISON IS DEAD LIKE OMG NO. I've been in shock since the episode aired, which is why I'm just sending this out now but…oh my god. I sobbed my eyes out for a good hour after the episode ended, because I truly do not think the show will ever be the same again without Allison. She challenged the expectations, she changed the norm, she broke out of the restrictions for a typical "supernatural male lead's girlfriend" and she became a hero - our hero. I loved Allison so much, even when she was being annoying in Season 2, it just made her character all the more real overall. Her death was befitting of her and honored her character as she died protecting and fighting for her friends. I can't believe she's gone and hopefully the show will still be good, but it will never be the same. Killing the female lead like that is a bold move, and I for one wish Allison had never died :(

I sobbed my eyes out when Allison died, I still can't believe or get over it. How could they kill off such a main character?! It was a bold move for sure. But I liked the way she died, in Scotts arms, trying to save her friends…it honored her character and made me cry so much. It's going to be interesting to see how the other characters (Lydia, Isaac, Chris Argent, Scott) pick themselves back up after this since really, Allison affected a lot of peoples lives. The show will never be the same without her:(

I 'm verryyyy emotionally attached to Allison like I cried as if allison was my own friend, and it FEELS like she was! Like I feel like someones missing from my life now :( Yeah I mean I like Kira but she's no Allison, thats for sure and she can't "replace" Allison in that sense.

Please share your thoughts in the comments and lets all mourn together :(

Hold Allison in the light (something we say at my school)


P. S. Thoughts? PLEASE message me so we can rant together!

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