Chapter Twenty-Three: Never Let You Go

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                                      When I opened my eyes, the all-too-familiar walls of my OBGYN’s office swam into view, the bright lights shocking my vulnerable corneas. Shifting my head around on the stack of pillows behind me, I emitted a loud groan when pain shot through my chest. What happened?

“Chris?” Derek’s anxious voice sounded from right beside me, and I slowly turned my head, a faint smile crossing my features. I felt terrible; my chest was so tight I could hardly breathe, and my uterus felt like someone had doused it in vodka and lit a flame. Goddammit, what happened to me? I wondered vaguely as Derek’s green eyes met mine, and immediately a cold splash of realization dribbled down my spine. I know that look.

“What’s wrong?” I croaked, my throat thick and my head starting to hurt from the brightness of the room. Just then the OBGYN, Dr. Shea, popped her head in, eyes widening in relief when she saw that I was awake. She was a friend of Deaton’s and knew all about werewolves and the supernatural. Lucky for me, she was also an excellent doctor.

“Welcome back, Ms. Hale! It’s really good news that you’re awake, you know.”

“Why? What happened to me?”

“Ehm...maybe I should let your husband explain the situation to you?” she offered, but one look at Derek’s stony expression and she hastily changed her mind.

“Nevermind. I’ll just tell you. I’m sure you remember, last night you collapsed while at a party,” Dr. Shea began, and I nodded. I remember that much.  

“Your friend Aiden brought you to me, and he said you had a seizure or something. I thought you might’ve been suffering from preeclampsia or eclampsia, due to the momentary loss of vision and convulsions, but then I ran some tests and...I’m sorry, Ms. Hale, have a quite rare heart defect. It doesn’t mean anything for your daily life, and it probably won’t affect you ever again.”

“But that’s great news! That means I’m fine.” I shot a glance at my husband again, but his eyes were so miserable that my excitement tapered out almost instantly. Why is Derek so upset? She said it won’t affect me ever agai-

“As I said, this won’t affect any other aspect of your lifestyle besides...childbirth. I’m so sorry, Ms. Hale, but if you don’t have an abortion, there’s a very strong chance you will die while giving birth to this baby.” 

“W-what?” I repeated, astonished. My eyes filled with tears before I even comprehended what Dr. Shea had just told me.

“Your heart cannot withstand the extreme pressure and exertion that you will undergo in labor. As I said, I’m very sorry.”

“You can’t be serious,” I breathed, trying not to let the tight grip I had on my sanity loose.

“I know you’ve already lost one child, and I cannot offer more than my greatest sympathies. But Ms. are unable to have children, without risking your life. There are many other great outlets, however. You could adopt, or become foster parents, or use a surrogate-”

“I’m not getting an abortion,” I cut her off suddenly, sliding my legs over the side of the hospital bed and tearing the needle out of my arm, where it connected to an IV bag. My hospital gown wafted around my legs as I stormed past Dr. Shea, Derek following closely behind me.

                  “Honey, wait-”

“I’m not getting an abortion, Derek!” I screamed when he grabbed my arm, spinning around in the waiting room of Dr. Shea’s clinic. There were no other patients there, but I wouldn’t have cared if there were. All I knew was that this woman wanted me to kill my baby, my nearly five-month-old baby, just because there was a chance my heart wouldn’t be able to handle it. Screw that. Screw her.

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