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I cracked my eyes open, listened to the annoying beep of my alarm go off and sighed softly. I reached over to click the off button and faced my head towards the window that politely let the sun-rays shine through.

Slowly but surely, I slid out of bed, and exposed my half naked body only covered in a tank top and my cheekies. What could I say? I was a woman of exposure at the expense of my own privacy. I glanced at the clock and sighed softly again. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job working at a large successful business but at times I missed my old life.

Don't get it twisted, by old life I didn't mean anything crazy and adventurous, I meant childhood. I missed not working. I missed the parks and picking dandelions. The harmless crushes, the knee scraps and ice cream cones on a hot day. I missed the innocence.

I started to undress slowly to just let the time tick by. I always woke up with enough time to lollygag, I knew myself. I turned the water on and let the steam spread throughout the bathroom feeling the warmth on my skin. I tested the water with my hand before I slid in. I stood still and let the beads of water cascade over my body. Mornings like that were always pure heaven.

I started my routine of washing my body and started on my hair. After a few minutes in the shower, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I stood in front of the mirror and watched as the beads of water trailed down my tattooed skin.

I dried my hair off and made some loose curls just to add volume. Friday, Friday was my favorite day of the week. No work for the weekend meant no perv bosses creeping up on me trying to offer way more than just a raise. It came with its perks- they usually let me leave early if I asked.

My boss wasn't a bad looking guy, actually, if he wasn't married, had six kids, a mistress, and practically threw himself at everything with a vagina between its legs, he would've been my type. I knew he only wanted me for my body but, I couldn't blame him. I was used to it, I grew into the body of a grown woman at the start of puberty so I grew used to pushing men away.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a tight red two piece dress with black stilettos and black pearls. I added a touch of eyeliner which usually made my eyes pop. I looked at the clock and saw '7:15' staring right back at me with huge red letters. I smirked and grabbed my purse from the table. I grabbed my keys off the hook before heading out.

7:15 always left me with enough time to grab a coffee on my way to the train station and make it to work 20 minutes early.

"Don't you just love the streets of Cincinnati," I mumbled as I stepped onto the street after locking my door.

I made my way down the street and ignored the usual stares I got. Like I said, I was used to it. Some of them were from men who undressed me with their eyes but the majority came from their girlfriends or wives who disapproved of my appearance. I had sleeves of tattoos which covered my arms and a few that played hide and seek.

"The joy of morning people jam."

An older gentleman said as he politely smiled at me.

"Can't get enough."

I responded with a smile. I don't mind small talk, it helped me get through the rough mornings.

I traveled my way down the sidewalk and stopped at a corner. I stared at the 'DO NOT WALK' sign and smiled as the sound of children laughing fill my ears. I looked down to see four kids roughly all in first grade playing around with each other.

I enjoyed children, I always had. I wanted one or two but I wasn't sure. I was only 22, I knew I had time to get my life together. Deep in thought, I missed the 'WALK' sign.

"Wait up!"

A little voice said as the sign changed to read 'DO NOT WALK.'


I yelled out as I ran after the little girl. I could hear the sounds of horns blaring but I knew it was too late. I looked at the little girl as suddenly everything turned black.


Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED 'Sinful Kind of Love'

With NEW and IMPROVED comes added POV's. Each chapter (or a majority) will contain a his/her POV. The previous book WILL NOT be taken down.

I know some readers prefer different POV's. It WILL contain more detail and POSSIBLY, I MAY add a epilogue OR a continuation of the previous book.

Thank you for supporting and sticking by my side!

Much love,


Sinful Kind of Love -His and Her POV (Mildly Explicit)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt