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Usually when children think of Halloween, they imagine pillow cases filled with sweets, witches on broomsticks, pumpkins carved with silly faces, and costumes of all different types. It's a magical night where people can pretend to be whatever they want, whether it be a ghost, a superhero, or a fairy. It only comes around once a year, but it's something that every child in Oak Hollow looks forward to. Every year on the last day of October, the mediocre neighborhood comes together for its annual Halloween celebration.

All of the young children would run around, house-to-house, collecting enough candy to last them an entire year; meanwhile, their parents would drink, talk among each other, and make comments about whose child wore the best costume. It was something that everybody enjoyed— everyone except Louis.

His mother and Joseph weren't exactly keen on the idea. They were a reserved family who didn't engage in much social interaction, unless absolutely necessary. It wasn't that Louis's mother hated the idea of a Halloween gathering; it was just that Joseph didn't approve, and Jay always agreed with her husband, no matter what. It was almost as if she didn't even have a voice.

So Louis would be forced to stay in his house, alone, and watch the other children have fun without him— including his best mate, Harry.

"Are you sure Joseph won't let you dress up? It's a lot of fun, Lou. You've missed the past three Halloween gatherings, too. You can't miss another," said Harry to Louis one evening.

The two boys were sat in Harry's kitchen, snacking on peanut butter cookies that Anne had baked a few hours prior before leaving for the grocery store. Over the past few years, Louis had become increasingly attached to Harry's mother. She practically considered Louis her second son, since he spent the majority of his days lounging around with Harry.

Louis frowned. "I can't, Haz. I'm sorry. You know how Joseph feels about it. He doesn't want me to have fun."

"But we're older now, Louis. You don't always have to do what he says," Harry reasoned.

"I'd go if I could, but I can't."

"Could you at least ask—"

"Harry, please. I don't want to start an argument with him," Louis sighed.

Harry went silent. Louis and his stepfather hadn't argued in months, mostly because they had been ignoring each other. But it was nice because Louis didn't have to worry about getting a black eye or whipped as long as they didn't speak to one another. It was better to keep his distance, and Harry knew that, too.

"Yeah, okay. I won't go to the Halloween party then, either," Harry insisted. He took a swig of his orange juice to wash down the leftover glob of peanut butter, which was sticking to the roof of his mouth.

"But you already have a costume," Louis noted. "And you were so excited to be Luke Skywalker."

Harry just shrugged. "So? There's always next year."

"Please," Louis said, exasperated. He placed his hand lightly over Harry's, staring into his eyes intently. "Go to the party, okay? Don't worry about me."

"I'm your best friend, though. Isn't it my job to worry about you?" Harry said back with a grin.

Louis laughed and smacked his shoulder playfully. "No, you goof."

The front door clicked open, causing both Louis's and Harry's gazes to shift towards the corridor. There stood Anne with grocery bags in one hand and her purse in another. She smiled at them and closed the door behind her with her foot, then walked over to the kitchen where she put the full plastic bags down on the counter top. She let out a sigh of relief and tucked a stray hand of brunette hair behind her ear.

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