Before the party 🎤

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Lilacs pov
Cameron woke me up at 8 in the morning because he needed my help to decorate. The party was going to be at the auditorium for magcon. Trust me it's huge. How else are you supposed to fit a million screaming fans. Jay was at my house already because she slept over. We talked about the boys all night. I think I might have some serious feelings for Mario. Jay was telling me how her and Mark were holding hands and it was so cute. If you ask me I think she has some feelings for him too. I got dressed in some black jeans that were slit at the knees and a pink cropped hoodie I left my hair with my natural curls because I'm going to iron it later for the party. Jay got dressed in some high wasted shorts and a black crop top with a flannel. We left to go to Cameron's car went on Instagram. Cameron got in and said "dumb and dumber, you guys better help!" "Whatever dumbest." I shot back.
Jays pov
We picked up maria and her sister and went to the place. The magcon boys were there but Mark was no where in sight. We said hi to every one and got started. We set off into pairs. Of course Jacob and I were a group . We were in charge of hanging up streamers. The other groups were Cameron and Maria, Lilac and Aaron, Hunter and Taylor, and Brandon and Mack. I stood on a ladder to hang up the steamers. But it was a bit wobbly. "Hold it still before I bust my booty cheeks!" I told Jacob. He laughed. "Don't worry I won't let that happen." He said handing me more streamers. I rolled my eyes. "Okay I'm coming down ." I said. I hoped off and we were just inches away from each other. We stood like that , just looking at each other for a while. We just smiled and continue putting up streamers. I heard Lilac on the mic testing it. Her and Aaron were in charge of the playlist, considering Lilac was a Dj. She started singing really ratchet songs. "Give me a Big Mac , super size my fries. Why you staring at me bish go get my apple pie" I started laughing. Then she started singing the llama song. Her and Aaron were really having fun. Was something going on between them? "Play one of your remixes!" Taylor said. She nodded her head and plugged in her equipment . "Do one to the song closer." Brandon said. "Sure " Lilac said with a smile.

Before the party..................
Cams pov
The girls were at my house getting ready. Except maria, I want to be surprised when I see her. Even tho she wows me every time I see her. Jay came down looking stunning. "You look really nice!" I said. Now I'm just waiting to see my sister. "Okay I'm coming down!" She said. I rolled my eyes she always wants to make an entrance. She walked out and my eyes were wide. She looked beautiful. For some reason tears filled my eyes. I gave her a hug. "My little girl is growing up!" I said. "Our little girl!" My parents said. They took a couple pictures and then left to go take my little brother to my grandmothers house so they can go to a different party. There always having work parties. I left too , to pick up Maria. I pulled up to her house and my jaw dropped when I saw her. She looked amazing. I gave her some flowers and went inside to say hi to her parents. They wanted her home by 11 and no alcohol! " have a goodnight" I said as I walked maria to the car. "Why did you pick me up an hour early?" She asked. "So we can have some alone time before the party." I smiled and then leaned in and pressed our lips together. Her lips we sweet and irresistible.
Mario pov
I went over to lilacs house with Mark because the girls said they were ready. I knocked on the door and jay opened it. She looked nice. I'm pretty sure Mark thought so too because he froze. "Hey." I said giving her a hug. "Hi , lilacs upstairs." She said reading my mind. I said thanks as I walked up to her room. I knocked on the door and Lilac aka the prettiest girl I have ever seen, opened it. Much like Mark I froze too. "Hey." Lilac said. I was still frozen looking at her very faltering dress and  long flowing hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. "H.....hi" I stuttered. "Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to give me a hug?" She said laughing with her arm open. I laughed and then wrapped my arms around her. I pulled away a little and said "you look really pretty." She let go and sat down on her bed "thanks but I haven't even put any makeup on yet!" She said smiling. "I think your better off without it." I said taking a seat next to her. "That's you opinion"she said looking into her makeup bag. I watched her apply what I think is eyeliner and she caught me. "Don't look at me!" She said laughing. "Why?" I whined. "Because it distracts me." She said very concentrated, it was cute. She finished and then put on her shoes. She stood up and was about 2 inches taller but I was still taller by half an inch. "Awe you finally grew !" I said teasing her. "Shut up"she said then threw a pillow at me. "That's it." I said grabbing her. We both fell on the floor. We were face to face only inches away. She looked at my eyes , then my lips, then my eyes again. My stomach was fluttered with butterflies as we were slowly getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes then.......... the phone rang ruining the moment. We both looked at each other and laughed. It was my mom calling to check up on me. Really mom!?!??
Hey beauties! I hoped you enjoyed that chapter and thank you so much for reading my book. I think Brandon and Mack should date .Anyway luv ya....bye
~Lianna 👑💕🦄

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