Turn Ons

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Rex- He gets turned on whenever you use the Force, and get this serene look on your face.

You get turned on whenever he takes control, or when he expertly uses both his blaster pistols to save his brothers.

Cody- Whenever you argued with you brother (which wasn't that often) or just argued with someone, Cody gets turned on by the furious look on your face.

Whenever he protects you and uses a pickup line at the same time, that just got to you.

Fives- Every time you kicked droid butt or just used your fire and ice powers, it would turn Fives on.

Ever since he caught you naked, he would give you this seductive look that would just make you melt.

Echo- When you were concerned, you got bossy. He liked that about you, especially when he was at the other end of the bossing.

Whenever he acted shy around you, just got butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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