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Important Author's Note at the end of the chapter!

I roll over in bed, scratching my head and peering at the world through sleep shrouded eyes. My hair is likely a mess, sticking up in odd directions, but I can't bring myself to care. I stretch my arms out, only to retract them to my chest when my hand brushes against something soft and furry.

Cal lies next to me, face covered with his long curls, a thin line of drool falling from his lips. He isn't wearing, well... anything. I poke him, just to check if he's real. He hums softly, shifting so even more of his torso is showing. My cheeks burst into flames, and I shoot upright.

Holy shit. I slept with Cal last night. On the first date! I bury my face in my hands. Oh, God, what if he thinks I'm a whore? Am I a whore? I just slept with the first guy I've been on a real date with since freshman year; I am such a whore. I glance at Cal through my fingers.

He's sort of cute when he's sleeping, even though he's drooling all over my pillow. My brain flashes an image left over from last night, and my cheeks blush bright red again. I cover my face again.

This is happening. This is a thing that has actually happened. I have slept with a boy, no, a man, after only one date. One date. Oh, no, this was an awful idea! Everyone knows that things aren't the same after you've slept with soneone! We didn't even get to go through the cupcake phase; we don't really even know one another and- Are we dating? Were we ever dating? No, no, it was a date. Just a date. A one night stand! Tragic. I have lost my virginity to a one night stand, and I don't even know his favorite color. Or his age! How old is he? What if he's one of those forty year old men who look twenty? Or worse: what if he isn't legal? Oh, God, I'm going to jail- I'm going to hell!

I bolt to my feet and rush to the dresser, whipping clothes onto my torso. I have on a sweatshirt and half of my pants when Cal stirs in bed.

"Seymour? What are you doing?" He squints at me in the morning light, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's still early. Come back to bed?"

He pulls the sheets aside a bit, raising his eyebrows at me. No, damn it, I'm in the middle of a morning after crisis! I pull my pants up the rest of the way, edge close to the bed.

I really want to lay next to him. I really, really want to go back to bed. He looks like a natural cuddler, with those biceps, and that cozy smile... But, I can't even look him in the eyes without having flashbacks to last night!

I perch awkwardly on the edge of the mattress, barely balancing on my tail bone, my back to Cal. He sits up, pouting, one eyebrow raised.

"Okay, what's up? I knew it was a bad sign that you were already dressed. Did I do something wrong?" He tugs the sheets up a bit further, looking uncomfortable.

"No! No." I stare at my hands, curled together on my thigh. "You didn't do anything."

"Was I... Bad?" I gape at him with flaming cheeks. "I knew I was rusty, but-"

"No!" My voice is coming out in breathy squeaks. "It's nothing like that..." He was good. Better than good.

"Okay... Then, what's wrong?" Oh, no, don't ask that! Now I have to figure out how to say something that's neutral on one night stands while still explaining that I feel wrong about it. And the cupcake phase crisis? How do I even say that without sounding overly attached? "Is it something I can-"

"I don't usually do this," I blurt, voice entirely too loud in the silence of my bedroom. Great, nice going, Seymour. Just interrupt him, that's fine. This is fine. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off," I whisper.

Cal sits up, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He winces a bit, shifting to get more comfortable. "No, it's alright. Go on?"

"Um. I d-don't usually sleep with people. Like on the first date. And. It's weird. I feel bad. And I sorta... I sorta l-liked you, but now we've already... You know." Cal gives me a look that says he doesn't know. "I wanted to get to... To get to know you first, so this f-feels wrong."

"Oh." Cal stares at his lap, hands face up, like they're waiting to hold something, resting against the sheets. Then, he smiles, so wide. Man, he's like a lightbulb. A cuddly, afro lightbulb, with really warm hands and kisses and... No. Get a hold of yourself. "I have an idea."

"Oh?" Nice, real intelligent. "What's that?"

"I," Cal announces, swinging his legs over the side of my bed, "am going to get coffee." He kisses my temple, and I can feel the wispier hairs there reach after him when he moves away. "You, my dear, are going to stay here, and, when I get back, we will get to know one another better."

He pushes to his feet, cringing all the way. My own face twists in sympathy. "Cal, Cal, maybe I should-"

"I'm okay," he smirks over his shoulder. "Besides, it was worth it."

A wink. I blush. Still, don't let him drive like that, Seymour. Be a gentleman. He was lovely to you last night. "No, r-really, I have to insist you stay home..."

Cal stares at me, something playful flashing about in his eyes. He leans back down to me, close enough that our noses graze tips. His lips ghost over mine, breath heating my mouth, and I inhale his carbon dioxide. Bless. "If you really wanted a second round, you could have just asked."

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, ears flaming chili red. Still, I don't move away, too distracted by Cal's closeness to do anything else. "N-no, I..." He presses his lips to my cheek, slowly moving down towards my neck with small open-mouthed kisses. Oh. My brain is sliding out of my ears and onto the floor. What was I even talking about? "I- Ah. Cal." He nips an area near my ear and I can feel myself slipping away. God, thank you for this morning... No! Not again. Do not succumb to him, Seymour! I place a hand on his chest to stop him, and he freezes obediently. Submissive... A tingling shiver arcs over my spine; it goes ignored. For now.

"Sorry," he breathes. "Something about you makes me forget how to think normal." He looks up at me, lips curved into a smile, and his eyes dance in the sunlight. "I'm gonna go get us some breakfast. I'll come back soon. Then, we'll talk, and it'll be great. Okay?"

Cheeks still flushed, breath still uneven, I just nod. Cal presses his lips to my forehead, gracing me with one more warm touch, and hobbles out of the room.

I hear the front door click shut behind him and bury my face in my sleeve sheathed hands. Wow. Golly. He's one hell of a kisser. I brush my fingers against my lips. And he's getting you coffee. What luck! A real catch, Seymour. Don't scare him off. Be good.

I pad to the living room on my bare feet, curl into a ball on the sofa. He'll be back soon, I'm sure of it. I rest my head against the arm of the chair, sure it's going to leave lines on my face, and wait for his return.


Woo alright let's do this. So, first off,

Who/What do you think the antagonist of this story will be? I'm interested in hearing your predictions.

Sorry it's a bit short this week... I'll try and write longer bits. General other feedback? Suggestions? Thoughts? I love feedback :)


As some of you may know, I entered an extended version of Fix Me into the Inkitt publishing contest. There isn't much time left in the contest, so if you guys would get on down there and read it, that would be awesome. It's chock full of bonus content like more on Oliver's past, more of Jax's life, some more of the end bit, and more! It's my chance to get out there, so, if y'all would go and read it, that'd mean the world to me :)


Review, share it, all that great stuff. Love you guys!

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