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Okay. Breathe in, breathe out. The knob is turning. Smile, smile, smile. Not like that; that's creepy. Better. Okay.

Remember to smile...

"Happy Birthday!" I balance Cal's cake on top of his long gift box, smiling my widest smile and praying not to drop anything. Cal, clearly not expecting any company in his sweatpants and tank top, only stares at me for a moment. My smile freezes, icy on my face. Oh, crap. Please. Please, don't be mad, or annoyed, or disappointed.

Then, all at once, sunshine breaks out on his face. Thank you, Lord. "Aw, Sey. You shouldn't have." He leans over the boxes to peck my lips quickly, then opens the door wider for me. "How did you even know it was today?"

"Kevin called me. He said Abel would beat me up if I didn't do something for you, and I know he and Kevin were going out today, so..." I rock on my heels, suddenly awkward. Why didn't you tell me? Do you not trust me? Am I too clingy? Is this creepy? Damn it. This is creepy. Wait to eff everything up, Sey. "B-but, uh, if you're busy, or-"

Cal wraps me in his arms from behind. "Hey." He presses a kiss gently to my temple, holds me there. "Don't do that. Don't make a deal out of it." He takes the boxes from my arms, sets them down on the coffee table, and returns as quickly as he'd left. "Just let this be what it is, and don't overthink it, okay? Please. Just today." Gosh, he sounds almost like he's begging. Just on the verge of annoyed. Just stop messing things up.

"O-okay. Yeah. I'm sorry." A moment of whistling, solemn quiet whisks around us. A car alarm blares someplace in the distance. Smile, dammit, Seymour. Smile. I smile, albeit shakily. "I hope you like m-marble cake."

Cal stays a beat longer where he is, then presses his lips to my shoulder. "Marble is lovely."

He steps away, leaving a chill tugging at the hairs on the back of my neck. Silence makes itself comfortable on the sofa. Say something say something say anything. "I, um, brought a m-movie. If you wanted to watch it." I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from saying any more.

"That sounds lovely, baby. Want popcorn?" He looks at me over his shoulder, a little smile on his lips. It's hesitant. Ugh, you made him sad. Be happy. Just do it.

"Yeah! I'll get it set up, yeah? And we can open presents after." My hands are shaking, just a slight tremor. I stare at them until they stop. By the time I look up again, Cal, unwrapping a bag of microwave popcorn, has moved to the kitchen.

Okay. Rocky start. Yikes. "I think you'll really like your present," I call, busying myself by pretend rummaging for the movie.

"Yeah? Can I get a hint?"

"Um..." I bite my lip, thinking. "Well, it's something you r-really like, and you'll know what it is as soon as you unwrap i-it?" My hand is halfway to the DVD player before I notice that the disk is upside down. "And you'll get to play with it right away."

Cal pokes his head from around the door jamb, a smirk building on his lips. "Oh? Sounds real good... Can I open it now?"

Where is he even going with this oh god okay just roll with it it'll be okay. I take my time setting up the tv the rest of the way before responding. "If you want?" Cal is immediately making his way to the couch, grinning, tugging me along with him. "Cal?"

His lips are on mine before I can process what's happening. Oh, holy crap, okay. This is fine. "Sey, God, you sure know how to make a guy happy," he breathes, voice barely rumbling underneath his whispering.

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