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"Seymour!" I jump, almost flipping the eggs I'm frying onto the floor. Cal is poking around the door frame with a robe (my robe) wrapped loosely around his shoulders, wearing not much else. I refocus on the pan.

Oh my god, I can't believe you, Seymour Kim. Four dates. Three sexy times. And the other time was only because Abel called with an emergency. Can you do nothing else? My eyes wander back over to Cal. My boyfriend. Look at those abs. My boyfriend's abs.

"Babe. You're blushing," Cal laughs, pecking my cheek.

Oh, shut up. I was not. "Sh-shut up. And go back to my room. I was supposed to be making you breakfast in bed."

Cal smirks, wrapping his arms around me from behind, and every hair on the back of my neck shivers to attention. "I was cold," he murmurs. "Plus, I wanted to talk to you."

We can pillowtalk- No. That's stupid. "O-okay. Well, sit down at least."

"Why?" Cal presses his lips to my neck and I jump, heart rate fifteen miles over the speed limit, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm still holding onto the pan.

"So I don't burn the eggs!" The words machine gun fire from my mouth and Cal's laugh heats my cheeks again. "J-just sit down. Please."

Cal plops himself into a chair, my robe sliding down below his shoulder, a grin on his face. He has a dimple. Look at it. So cute. "So, I think we should have a date not in the evening. Or maybe at my place while Abel is there."

"Hm? Why?" I reach for the salt in the cabinet next to the stove.

"So we'll feel less in the mood, I guess," Cal drawls, drumming his fingers on the table. Because people are there or the sun is up? That doesn't mean anything. We could still... Cal gives me a look that reminds me that he's a mind reader, and I refocus my attention on the eggs with wide eyes. "I mean. I don't want this to be about sex, you know?" Damn. He's right, but damn.

I pout without meaning to, and Cal adds, "It can still be about sex sometimes, but we should maybe ease up a bit."

"Yeah, I get that." I slide his eggs onto the plate. They're a little browner than they should be; I hope he doesn't notice. "We probably should stop, um, you know. So much."

Cal nods thoughtfully, rising to get some juice from the refrigerator. "Yeah. And maybe we could, like, just talk. And not touch one another any more than is publicly appropriate." He smiles at me cheekily. "That'll be hard for me, but I'll manage. It's necessary. I want this to last."

Wow. He's such a keeper. I want this to last, too. Are we in danger of not lasting? Because of the canoodling? "Me too. Next date, no inappropriate contact."

Cal sits at the table again, two cups of juice in his hands. I sit across from him, and we practice looking at one another without touching each other. At least, that's what I'm doing.

"Hey. Wanna, I dunno, see a movie on Saturday?" Cal glances at me through his eyelashes, then hides behind his hair. Is he embarrassed? Cute. "I know, not an optimal first non-contact date, but I thought maybe it'd be fun. I've had the idea for a while."

"Yeah, of course! Only if you bring popcorn, though. And I'll make drinks." Cal hums in approval and tucks into his eggs.

"These are good," he mumbles, looking up at me. No they aren't. They're crunchy because of shell bits and overcooked and too salty and just terrible.

"Thank you." I nod politely and sip my juice, and hope I looked sincere.

Cal gives me a look that tells me I did not look sincere. "I mean it. I don't even care what they taste like. You got up before me and made me breakfast. Do you know that you're the first guy to ever do that for me?"

"Really?" Wow, rude, Seymour. That makes it sound like you think he's slept with so many people that at least one has to have cooked for him. Time to backtrack. "N-not that that's crazy surprising or anything, I just... It's a good thing to do, isn't it?"

Cal nods, leaning his head against his hand. "Yeah. Yeah, it is." He smiles and I find myself smiling back. "You ever seen Little Shop of Horrors?"

"Me?" No, dumbass, Casper the ghost. Yes, you. "N-no, I've never really checked it out. Why?

Cal hums, then leans onto the table. "Hm, no reason. Just curious."

Nope, he has that weird shine in his eyes. Interrogate him. "Cal, what is it?"

He shoots me a glance that is equal parts aloof and oblivious. "A surprise. Don't worry about it." Then, with a rapid change of subject, "What is your opinion of cotton candy?"


"I like it personally, but some people find it messy."

"Cal." I put a hand on top of his. He laces our fingers together and keeps talking.

"I mean, it is a bit messy, but-"

"Cal! Tell me what it is." I give him my best puppy dog look, and Cal immediately looks away.

He bites his lip and plays with the edge of his plate. "No, none of that. I promised myself that it would be a surprise, and it won't be a surprise if you look at me like that."

Ooh, look at you, Seymour. Secret weapon attained. "Okay, okay, fine. I'll wait."

Cal smiles, pecks my cheek. "Thanks. Now," he stands quickly, almost giving me a full view of something I really shouldn't even think about seeing, "Let's go get dressed. Can we get ice cream or something before I go home?"

He just asked me for ice cream. What a smol one he is. "Yeah. Yes. Definitely." Cal gives me another smile, more sunshiney than before, and another kiss. I wait until Cal's back is turned to grin and dance to myself. A date! A real, no sex, innocent get to know one another and maybe cuddle a bit date!

I can't wait for Saturday.


Wowzers! It's been a while, guys. How are you? I hope you're well. The thing we tried last chapter was weird so I went back to the old format aha. I missed your comments.

Sorry this is a little bit of a filler chapter... Next chapter will be super plot-y, I think.

Catch an editing error? Let me know and I'll give you a food emoji and a thank you. It'll be a good time.

How are you liking things so far? And thoughts? Concerns? Comment here!

I am tired aha I love you!
See you all later on.

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