Preschool (Age: 4-5)

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Their story begins in preschool. That's where they met. They had been assigned buddies for a field trip. Kensi and Deeks happened to be buddies.

"Hi, my name is Kensi," Kensi said, introducing herself.

"My name is Marty, but most people call me Deeks," Marty introduced.

"Its nice to meet you, Marty," Kensi said.

Deeks was surprised, but he liked the fact that someone finally was going to call him by his first name.

"Hey, do you wanna be my friend?" Deeks asked.

"I'd love to," Kensi replied.

And from that moment they were friends.

They would always sit next to each other at lunch, and play together during playtime.

As the year progressed, Deeks and Kensi's friendship progressed as well.

And they ended up being best friends.

And they were inseparable.

Nothing was going to tear them apart . . . ever.

Through The Years As Best FriendsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin