Eighth Grade (Age: 13-14)

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Eighth grade. It felt good to be top dogs in school again. They weren't popular. They didn't want to be. They were fine with just being themselves. Popularity was stupid to them anyway.

Kensi and Deeks's teachers were amused by their relationship. They could see that the two of them cared a great deal about each other.

Eighth grade wasn't the easiest year for them, but it was a great year. They owed that to their English teacher.

This was the year things started to change. It was not Deeks and Kensi's friendship that changed; they were still as close as ever.

However their perception of themselves had started to change. It had been gradual, little things to start.

Kensi was more confident than she ever had been. She felt good and it was even better having Deeks by her side.

Deeks, however, grew insecure with himself. He couldnt pinpoint why he felt insecure, but he did.

One day, while doing their homework at Kensi's house, Deeks paused.

"Uhm.. Kens?" Deeks spoke hesitantly.

"Yeah, Marty? What's up?" Kensi asked, setting her homework aside.

"Can.. can I talk to you about something?" Deeks asked, almost shyly.

"Of course. You can tell me anything, you know this," Kensi said.

"I know.. it's just.. I've been really insecure lately. It's nothing to do with you or our friendship, it's just.. insecurity. I don't know why, it's just there..." Deeks told her, fidgeting with his hands.

Kensi laid a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Marty. Everyone feels insecure at times, and sometimes it persists for a while. Come here," Kensi said, patting the spot right next to her.

Deeks came closer to her, laying his head against hers.

"Thanks," he said softly.

Things had been fairly good from that point on. Deeks had seemed more confident than he was, or at least he seemed less insecure.

Kensi and Deeks finished off eighth grade, and therefore junior high, on a good note.

It had been a good year, although they couldn't believe that they were starting high school in September.

A/N: haiii so I havent forgotten about this story, or any of my others, I just havent had much inspiration and I've been kinda busy. I'm gonna try to update these stories more often, though.
Also, quick question, answer if y'all want to: I've written a bunch of NCIS: LA/densi fanfiction in the notes section of my phone, and I'm in the process of writing more.
Would y'all be interested in reading them if I were to post them here?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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