Fifth Grade (Age: 10-11)

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New Year, New School, New People. It was now 5th grade, Kensi and Deeks would now be in middle school. And that meant a new school, which, in turn, meant some old faces and some new faces.

Like every year so far, Kensi and Deeks were in the same class.

They kept growing closer and closer. Their teacher knew that if they didn't end up dating each other and getting married, they'd always still come first to each other.

Kensi and Deeks still sat with each other every lunch, and hung out with each other at every recess.

But, this year, recess lasted only t minutes, and there was no playground. Which, was to one Marty Deeks' disappointment.

But either way, Kensi and Deeks just found a quiet, shady spot under a tree and sat there. They talked, and joked and laughed. On a few occasions, they could be seen with their eyes closed, not talking, just enjoying each other's company. On those occasions, Kensi's head could be seen resting on Deeks' shoulder, and Deeks' arm around her.

They sat next to each other in class, and went home on the same bus. They sat next to each other on the bus, too.

Some of Kensi and Deeks' classmates thought they were "dating", if you could call it that in 5th grade.

But they weren't. They were just best friends.

But everyone, and I mean, everyone, knew there was a thing between them. But when asked about their 'thing', both would deny it feircely and say that there was no thing.

Except it was no use, because everyone saw it and everyone knew it was there.

But they were happy as best friends, and until they realized that there was a thing and until they figured out what to do about it, they were just best friends.

And that was okay. Because they had their whole lives ahead of them.

But they still hung out everyday after school, even if that meant just doing their homework together, but more often than not, it was doing their homework together and hanging out afterwards.

And they were perfectly content that way.

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