Third Grade (Age: 8-9)

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It was in third grade that Kensi and Deeks realized that they truly were never going to leave each other.

They realized that they were truly best friends, and that literally nothing, nothing, could separate them from each other.

And, still, they were lucky enough to be in the same class for the 5th year in a row.

They were always hanging out after school, doing their homework together.

There was always a little bit of banter between them.

And unlike last year, in 2nd grade, no one made fun of Kensi.

Apparently word spread fast that gender roles really meant nothing.

Word got around fast that Kensi was who she was and no one was going to change that but her.

Word spread fast that, to summarize his speech, Deeks would have anyone's head who decided to mess with his best friend.

And so no one bullied her.

And for that she was grateful. She hadn't liked it too much.

And she was so glad to have a best friend like Deeks.

And like always, the teacher thought that their friendship was just adorable.

And the teacher, Mr. Odwyer, found it adorable how they were so protective of each other.

He could tell they were something special, and that even if they didn't end up together, which, he mused, was unlikely that they wouldn't end up together, they would always come first in each other's eyes, because that was just their kind of friendship.

And, he realized, you didn't come across that kind of thing too often anymore.

But either way, like with whatever year that came, Kensi and Deeks were closer than ever before.

And somehow everyone just knew that those two would always have something special, no matter where life took them.

Which, everyone realized would be the same exact path, because they both had the same exact background.

And they both knew exactly what they wanted to do when they grew up.

So they would undoubtedly stick together through everything.

Literally Everything.

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