Fourth Grade (Age: 9-10)

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Kensi and Deeks, like always, were in the same class this year.

This year, they were having a job fair for those few students who absolutely knew what they wanted to do.

Those students would go to the gymnasium and tell everyone what they wanted to do and why.

Kensi and Deeks had arranged with the teachers to go up together since they both were going to do the same thing when they grew up, and 5th st both had they same reasoning behind it.

But the job fair wasn't the only thing that was "new" this year.

Another thing that was new was the fact that, despite living across the street from each other, their parents were connecting their houses via underground tunnels, so Kensi and Deeks were excited.

Not only that, but Deeks and Kensi's dads were building them both a shared tree house so that they could have a secret hideout.


With both dads working on the treehouse, it was done a couple months after 4th grade had started.


The connecting tunnels were done by February, with both moms and dads working on it, so now Kensi and Deeks could see each other whenever they wanted to.

The job fair was in June.

Kensi and Deeks couldn't wait.

So, when June came around they were happy, but impatient.

They wanted it to be June 10th already.


*June 10th*

Everyone who was participating in the Job Fair had been called down to the Gymnasium.

Kenai and Deeks, unfortunately for them, were going last.

They listened to the others and waited patiently for their turn.

Some people knew they wanted to be a farmer, an author, or a singer.

Others knew they wanted to go into the military, or the Fire Department.

Others wanted to be doctors.

And finally, after what felt like ages, it was Kensi and Deeks' turn.

Kensi and Deeks had decided to speak separately but go up together. They had decided that Deeks was going to go first.

These were their speeches:

~ Deeks ~

"I knew since I was in preschool, maybe even before, that I wanted to serve our country in someway. At first I thought maybe I was going to go into the military, or LAPD, but then I did some research into different agencies, like the FBI, CIA, etcetera. And then I found the one I knew I had to join: NCIS Los Angeles. It's perfect, and exactly the kind of place I'd want to work. But there's a reason I want to serve our country. That's because my dad, while not being perfect, because, honestly, no one's perfect, the reason is my dad. My dad is a great man. He serves our country in the military, and when he's home, he tells me all about his adventures, and teaches me some of the things he learned. He made me want to do the same. And for that I thank him, because I wouldn't be who I am today without that, because that's all I've known. And my dad is a great dad, and I want to follow in his footsteps and serve this country," Deeks explained.

Everyone clapped, and since parents were there, they clapped even harder. Especially Kensi and Deeks' parents. Gordon John Brandel even let a tear fall.

Now it was Kensi's turn to go up.

~ Kensi ~

"Like Marty, I knew from a very young age that I wanted to serve our country in someway. And, also like Marty, I always thought I was going to join the military or the LAPD. But then we both did research together. And as best friends, we had decided that since we both wanted to serve our country, that we should do it in the same way. So when Marty found out about NCIS Los Angeles, we both knew that that was the place. It was perfect for both of us. When we apply for the job when we're older, and if we get accepted, we'll hopefully be put on the same team. Because each unit is a team of 4 people. Each team has 2 sets of partners, obviously 2 and 2. And like Marty said, it's exactly the kind of place I'd want to work at. But not only do Marty and I have the same job interest, but we also have the same motive for going into this field of work. You see, my dad is in the military, too. And he's a great man. Me and my dad are really close, and he made me want to serve our country. Like Marty, I wouldn't be who I am today without my dad telling me stories about his adventures and teaching me some of the things he's learned. This is all I've known, and it's all I really want to know. My dad is a great man, and I want to follow in his footsteps and serve this country," Kensi explained.

Everyone was on their feet clapping, much like Deeks' speech. Kenai and Deeks' parents had clapped the hardest, though. And Donald Blye even let a tear fall.

A/N: I know in the show Deeks' father is terrible, but I decided to give Deeks a happy childhood and a different motive for joining LAPD, well NCIS in this case. And yes, I know, Deeks joined LAPD first, and then became a liasion for NCIS, but I'm making him become an actual NCIS Special Agent without all the LAPD stuff.

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