First Grade (Age: 6-7)

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It was now first grade. Time just seemed to fly by. And, again, Kensi and Deeks were in the same class.

More people started to accept the fact that there were some girls that had a boy best friend and some boys that had a girl best friend.

But others still thought it was a little weird.

And again, the teacher just thought it was absolutely adorable.

Because they would spend every recess, every lunch, together.

Whenever there would be partner work, they'd always manage to work together.

They'd both have their moms take them to the park after school, since they hardly ever had homework.

And there they would play.

And when the teacher asked how everyone's weekend was, Kensi and Deeks' hands would shoot up, and they would always tell the teacher that they hung out and had a great time.

They were care-free and blissfully ignorant of the world around them.

Sadly, their blissful ignorance won't last all too long.

But all the same, they were happy being the best of friends without a care in the world, for the time being, that is.

Their parents knew they would always be best friends.

Their teachers knew they would always be best friends.

But most importantly, they knew that they would always be best friends.

They also knew that as they grew older, they wouldn't always be so care-free, especially considering their backgrounds and interests.

But they were still young, and entering the world was still a long ways away.

And besides, they always had each other's backs.


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