Kindergarten (Age: 5-6)

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Now it's kindergarten, and Kensi and Deeks are even better friends then they were in preschool. They were lucky to be in the same class again.

The other girls in their class thought it was weird that Kensi's best friend was a boy, because all their friends were girls.

And all the other boys in their class thought it was weird that Deeks' best friend was a girl, because all their friends were boys.

But still, they both came into school together, and sat next to each in class and at lunch.

And they hadn't a care in the world that people thought it was weird.

All the other kindergartners were still stuck in gender roles, I guess you could say.

But as far as Kensi and Deeks were concerned, gender roles didn't exist.

The teacher only thought it was cute that they were best friends, because with the age group that she taught, you just didn't see it happening all that often.

Either way, Kensi and Deeks spent almost every weekend together, not sleepovers all too often, but they did spend a lot of time together.

They knew everything about each other, even their deeper, more hidden secrets.

Like, for example, Deeks knew that despite Kensi's tough exterior, she was a big softy and actually slept with a teddy bear at night. Its name was Paddington.

And Kensi knew that despite Deeks' joking, care-free manner, he had a fair few insecurities. But she did all she could to calm them.

And they were still as close as ever, if not even closer.

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