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Author note - Hey you all! Thank you for the reviews, I'm really surprised that people have already read it and it's only been a like a day. I appreciate the feedback about my writing, so please let me know if anything is incorrect! I hope that in doing this I can both improve my writing but also write about a ship I'm so passionate about. Well, sorry to keep you from the story, it's Gary time! >:D

Ash crept up the stairs as his heart raced. Does he really want to do this? The answer is obviously yes, but there's still a bit of resistance within him. He reached the top of the stairs to find three doors, in which one held the brown-eyed boy. Ash noticed one of the doors was open, and he could tell that it was the bathroom. He then saw that one of the doors was ajar, in which he guessed was Gary's room. He slowly approached the door and without even thinking, he knocked.

"Come on in, babe," Gary said softly. Gary knew it couldn't have been his grandfather, as he never knocked.  Ash stood there in shock, who was Gary talking about? He has a girlfriend? Ash thought before he finally spoke up. "Hi Gary, it's me, Ash." I attempted to sound like nothing happened between us.

There was a long pause before Gary responded. "You can come in, i'm not busy with anything," Ash opened the door to see Gary's room for the first time in forever. It looked like it was recently cleaned, and had a whole bunch of drawings on the wall. They were amazing - Ash forgot about his skill. Ash turned his attention to Gary's bed, where he saw the tall boy laying on his stomach. He looked different, but not too different. His hair was the same spiky mess that Ash adored, but he looked more toned and mature. Gary sat up to talk to Ash.

"Welcome back, Ash. How were your adventures in Alola? It's been forever since I last saw you," Gary said, trying to remember how long it's been since he's seen the boy. "..around two years?" he finished, awaiting confirmation.

"Yep, two years. It was an amazing experience, and I had so much fun. I don't miss it though, i'm just happy to be back here," Ash said. He was sweating. Gary was actually talking to him, and not acting weird.

"That's great, Ashy-boy," Gary teased. Ash's skin crawled at the name. He hated it when they were rivals, but now he loved it. It wasn't used to make fun of him anymore. The silence in the room grew thick, and Ash decided to break it.

"I wanted to talk about what happened before I left for Alola," Ash almost instantly regretted asking this question so soon, but it needed to happen. Ash needed to know how Gary felt about him.

Gary blushed, recalling what had happened. He had forgotten about the incident. It's been a while. "Oh yeah, when you kissed me," Gary paused,  beginning to speak again as he layed back down on his bed. " I want to apologize. I shouldn't of ran away from you, or ignored you. I was being a coward. You didn't deserve that. I was also angry, because you decided to kiss me the day you left. I didn't want you to leave in the first place, and once you kissed me, I wanted to burst into tears. That's why I ran. I ran all the way back here and left you. I'm sorry," the boy said, looking Ash directly in the eyes.

"Does that mean that... you liked me as more than a friend?" Ash questioned, as his cheeks flushed a shade of crimson.

"Yes. I did. I always had, even before when I would tease you. I was too scared to admit it to you because of how you would react. I couldn't be with you. You were leaving, and I was too afraid of my grandfather and friends finding out that I was bisexual. That's why I didn't talk to you. I felt as if I stayed away, I would get over it. Plus, I always thought you were straight, in which I accepted it. I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had created after the rivalry, so I kept quiet. Then, you kissed me. So many emotions had rushed through me that I couldn't handle it and ran." Gary explained, as Ash sat down next to him. Gary didn't say anything; he looked as if he was thinking really hard.

"We can always text each other, so it will be fine" I say, trying to convince Ash that things will be alright when we are separated. I really didn't want Ash to go. We've gotten so close, and although I don't want to admit it, I think I love him. I've always felt this way, but never have I thought I loved him. Ash was just standing there. I was about to say something when he started inching closer to me, but I couldn't as he pressed his lips against mine. What is happening? Why is he doing this? Ash stopped kissing me, and that's when I ran. I ran so fast, all the way back to the lab. Once I got to my room I started to cry, trying to figure out what just happened.

Ash realized what Gary had just said. It was that he "did" like him. It was past tense. Does that mean Gary didn't have those feelings anymore?

"Well, did you get over it?" Ash asked as he felt his heart break, as he recalled Gary accidentally calling him "babe".

"Ash.. I will always love you. But  I can only love you as a friend. I've given my love to someone else, and it would be unfair to them for me to just magically have the same feelings I had for you two years ago."

Ash felt broken after he heard these words. But he understood them. Ash wanted to break down right this moment, but he managed to keep himself together. It hurt, but if Gary was happy, Ash wanted to be. He wanted to still be best friends with Gary. He hoped he felt the same..

"Gary, I'm really happy for you and whomever you're with, but I still want to be your friend. Even if we can't be together, we can still be the best of friends," Ash quickly looked down, scared to hear the words that would escape his cute, plump lips.

"Of course! I wouldn't want anything less!" he heard Gary say, before he was suddenly being hugged by him. Ash felt so much better now, about everything. Somehow being in Gary's arms made him feel pure bliss. Gary let go, and ruffled Ash's hair. "C'mon Ashy-boy, let's go downstairs and catch up some more. It has been two years after all," the boy pointed out, as he left with Ash following.

    The boys made their way downstairs and headed into the kitchen. Ash sat down at the table, and Gary went to the fridge to get something to drink. Gary grabbed a water bottle and sat down at the table with Ash.

    "So, who's the lucky person that you're going out with?"  Ash asked, as he tried not to sound sad. He was trying to get over Gary, but he was just so fucking cute.  

    "Well, after the kiss between us, I wasn't really myself. I was depressed, and I didn't really come out of my room much. But, I started to grow closer to someone, as I didn't really have a choice. I admitted everything to them, and they helped me feel better. I slowly started to realize that I had feelings for them, and they also had feelings for me. Slowly we de-" Gary was cut off when Tracey entered the room, holding some bags.

    "Hey guys! How's the catching up doing?" Tracey said, as he put the bags down.

"Hey Tracey, it's been good. Gary was just about to tell me who he's going out with." Ash turned his attention back to Gary as he waited for him to resume what he had been saying. Ash didn't see it, but after he said this, Tracey blushed. Gary was smiling at Ash and began to giggle, since Ash was so oblivious.

"What's so funny? Just tell me who it is already. I'm dying to know!" Ash was growing impatient. Gary stopped laughing, and pointed behind me at Tracey.

"They're right behind you,"

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