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Author's Note - Hey guys! I'm glad that i'm getting so much positive feedback from everyone! I feel like I am able to grow as a writer with you all helping me along the way. This chapter may or may not have a lemon in it ;) But I am afraid to actually do it because i've never written one, and I am scared I'll fuck it up. Who knows? Let's get into it. (edit before I post - I may have lied to you all. The lemon won't be until later. >;3)

As Gary left Ash's arms, he felt cold again. Not just from the ice chamber that his grandfather claimed was the house, but from inside.Tracey nor Ash were here anymore. Gary could finally be alone. He loved being alone; but hated being lonely.

He walked up the stairs into the bathroom, to get ready for bed. Gary opened the door and entered quickly, wanting to get it all over with. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed.

"Why does he have to go out with his friends almost every single night? I exist don't I?" Gary asked himself.

"I shouldn't even be worked up about it. He's going to do what he wants, whether I tell him or not. I just don't want him to lash out on me like he always does," Gary told himself. He turned on the water and splashed it onto his face. He grabbed a towel and dried himself, then proceeded to brush his teeth.

Gary finished up in the restroom and made his way into his room. He undressed from his daytime clothes happily; they were getting very uncomfortable. He kicked his filthy garments to the side and began to rummage through his dresser to find some sleeping pants.

During his scavenger hunt, Gary came across an object. He could tell what it was just from the feel of it. It was the half of the Pokeball from when Ash and him fought as little kids. Gary pulled it out and began to hold it close to him.

"I know that Ash has some resistance towards Tracey and I. I know he probably won't ever get used to it, but I can't help but wonder what I should do. Perhaps I should tell Ash about my feelings. He could help, he always has a way with words. But I can't be alone with him. I hate to say it but I think I still love you, Ashy-boy," Gary whispered into the cool air of his empty room.

His heart began to race as he thought about it. Gary obviously loved Tracey. The time he spent with the boy showed it, and he had no doubt about it. He also had no doubts about his feelings for Ash. Only one day together and the feelings before are all coming back to him. Is it possible to love two people at the same time?

Gary, sleepless as always, slipped on his sleepwear and hopped into bed.

"I'm tired of thinking. It's all I ever do. I'm putting an end to it," he said.

Gary grabbed his Pokedex from the nightstand and checked the time, it only being 11:30. He figured that it was time to sleep. Gary sat his Pokedex back down and rolled over. He began to relax and eventually let himself slip into the sweet nothing of sleep.

Gary awoke in the middle of the night to stomps coming from the stairs outside his door. He checked his Pokedex to reveal that it was 4 in the morning. Great. Another late night. Another inevitable mistake by Gary.

"I wonder what the cat dragged in tonight," Gary thought to himself as he turned on his bedside lamp.

Tracey opened the door and shut it quickly. He then wobbled over towards the bed in which Gary occupied, and plopped down next to the boy.

"You could atleast say hi to me," Tracey deadpanned.

"Oh.. uh. I'm sorry, hi," Gary said, nervous as to what Tracey was going to do.

"How was your night?" Gary asked, sleep obviously noticed in his voice.

"I had fun, but as you can see I'm hammered, and I'd rather sleep than talk," Tracey managed to say, rolling onto his stomach to get comfortable. The bitterness in his voice was evident, and it was a slice to the heart to Gary. He cared so much about Tracey, and he hated seeing him like this. Gary just wants Tracey to be healthy, and sweet like he always is, except for when he's drunk.

"How about you go sleep in your own bed then, huh? Beat it," Gary said, trying to seem unbothered by Tracey's sour attitude.

"You can't tell me what to do, Gary. I'm not a child. Now shut the fuck up and let me sleep!" Tracey said.

Gary, who has had enough of Tracey's shit, sprung out of bed and began to yell. Thank god gramps' room was downstairs, and couldn't hear a word.

"No. YOU shut the fuck up. You know what I've had Tracey? IT. I'm tired of you coming home late at night with your rude ass attitude! You come into my room reeking of alcohol and i'm tired of it! I love you, Tracey, and this isn't good for you! It isn't good for me! Do you not care about how I feel?" he managed to let out, his anger rising even more.

Tracey got up and moved towards Gary. He moved his hand up close to Gary, ready to smack him, before he came to his senses.

"Gary, I do care about you but why can't I just have a little fun with my friends? You get to have your friends! Now for god's sake get a grip.  I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm going to my room," he said before storming out.

Gary stood there, motionless, for who know's how long. He couldn't believe that Tracey even thought about harming him. He's never done that. He's always shown love and care towards Gary, except at times like this.

Gary shut his door and managed to get back into bed. Gary began to cry, and longed for the morning so he could talk to the real Tracey.

"Maybe Ash could help me, or even May. I honestly have no clue what I'm going to do. I guess maybe I can convince Tracey to stop going out," Gary thought. If Gary told him about what he's like, he might quit it all together. Tracey loves him, right? Gary would do the same for him. Except he can't tell them. It'll only make matters worse.

"I have to deal with this myself," he told himself as he silently drifted back off into slumber, ready to confront Tracey when they awoke.

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