Holding On To You

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Author's Note - I'm back-back-back-back-back again! I hope you guys enjoyed the previous chapters, and I apologize again for the lack of updates. I will be updating frequently now, so I hope you enjoy what is about to come! Well, enough yapping from me, here's Chapter 5!

Ash turned around quickly to see a very anxious Tracey. Ash stared into Tracey's eyes, and stayed like that for what seemed like eternity. Ash was feeling every emotion rush through his mind. Sadness? Check. Anger? Check. Happiness? Check. Ash could only focus on the sad part. Tracey was one of his best friends. Why would he do this to Ash? Ash couldn't blame him though. In fact, Tracey had yet to find out about his crush on Gary unless he most likely figured it out by talking with Gary. All these thoughts echoed through his mind, until they were flooded out by Gary's words.

"Now that the cat's out of the bag, why don't we all watch a movie? It's only mid-afternoon after all," Gary offered. Ash wasn't so sure of it. He wanted to talk about Tracey and Gary's relationship. How it happened, why it happened, everything. But he didn't want to make it awkward. At this point all Ash wanted to do was run home and cry. But he didn't. He was tired of being sad all the time. He decided to accept Gary's offer and hang out with his best friends.

"That sounds nice," Ash said.

"I second that," Tracey added, wrapping his arm around Ash as they began to head to the living room.

    Ash took a seat in a recliner, while he watched Tracey sit down on the couch while Gary was looking for a movie through all the dvds Professor Oak had lying around. As Gary continued to look for a movie, all Ash could do was stare at Gary's behind. He tried to snap out of it as he promised himself things wouldn't get weird. Plus, he didn't want Tracey to notice that he was checking out his boyfriend's ass. Ash grew a light pink blush on his cheeks as he looked around the room trying not to be obvious.

"Ah, I found one! It's called The Ring. One of my favorites, really." Gary spoke as he put in the DVD and plopped down on the couch next to Tracey.

Ash hated scary movies. Gary knew this of course, so he probably did it just to get some laughs out of my inevitable screams.

"Did you really have to pick a scary movie? You know how I am," Ash whined.

"C'mon Ash, you're almost 18, you can handle a scary movie, bud." Tracey assured him.

Gary hit the play button and the movie began to start.

"Yeah, Ashy-boy, it'll be okay." Gary added in.

It was about half-way through the movie when Ash noticed that Gary and Tracey were cuddling. He didn't mind, but Ash couldn't help but grow a bit jealous at the sight.. All this time just to come back and see Gary with someone else. Ash was starting to become very tense because of the couple and the movie. Ash's pokedex rang and saw that it was his mother. He thanked the pokemon gods as he quietly got up to answer.

"Where are you going, Ash? The movie is just getting good," Tracey questioned.

"I, uh, have to answer this - It's my mom," Ash said. Tracey could clearly hear the anxious tone in Ash's voice, but decided against questioning the boy.

"Alright, hurry back," Tracey said, averting his eyes back to the television screen. Ash walked out the door to the front entrance to answer his call. He flipped open his pokedex and prayed that his mom needed him.

"Ash, sweetie, are you having a good time? Did you talk to Gary?" she said right as Ash answered. He wanted to tell his mom everything, but it didn't seem right. If he did he would probably start to cry.

"Yeah.. I did. We talked about what happened and everything is alright. We were watching a movie with Tracey," Ash sighed into the pokedex. Delia could sense her son's tone. He wasn't too happy about whatever happened.

"Well, how about you come home now. It's getting pretty late, and I think it's going to storm soon," she offered. Delia wanted to know about what happened. Maybe she could help. After all, she did kinda get Ash to go over there in the first place.

"Sure mom, that sounds like a good idea. I'll be home soon. I love you," I mumbled back. Ash is so ready to get home, just so he could be sad in peace. Well, that is if his mom would leave him be.

"I love you too, Ash. See you soon," she replied and ended the call. Ash stood there in the cold, breezy air as he debated whether to just up and leave or if he should go in and say goodbye. He eventually chose to go in and say his farewells. Ash figured it would be mean to just leave without an explanation.

    Ash opened the door and went inside. Man, was it cold out there. Ash's hands were basically blue at this point, and he began to rub them together to generate some heat. He wasn't used to this weather. It was always warm in Alola. No freezing weather to worry about. Ash missed Alola deeply. All the friends he made over there. It was so nice once he got over the Gary situation. Now he was back and under more stress than ever before.

Ash began to walk into the living room, but stopped as he noticed the movie was off. He peeked around the corner to see Gary alone lying on the couch. Ash wondered where Tracey went. But at the same time he didn't care. Maybe now was his chance to have some more alone time with Gary before he went home.

"..Gary? Why are you here alone?" Ash asked as he entered the now quiet room. The whole mood was flipped now. It seemed like Gary was upset.

"Oh, hey Ash. I was just laying here, thinking. I can't seem to stop even when I try my hardest. Anyways, Tracey went upstairs to get ready. He's going out with some friends I think." he huffed.

"What did your mom want, Ash?" he asked me, trying to change the topic. He could tell that Gary was upset that Tracey was leaving. But why? He was just going out with some friends. It shouldn't be a big deal.. Right?

"She just told me that it was late and that she wanted me to come home. I actually came to say bye to you guys, but I guess it's just you," he admitted. Gary looked so broken right now. Ash just wanted to hug him and make him feel better. But it wasn't his place to do so. He couldn't mess up what they had and what Tracey and him had.

"..I see. Well, I'm glad you're back Ash. I hope we can talk more soon. Don't think you've seen the last of me." he laughed, trying to convince Ash he was okay.

"I will. I promise. Have a goodnight, Gary. Tell Tracey I said goodnight aswell, if you would," he said, getting up to leave. The voice inside Ash's head told him to stay. But he couldn't. What if he did something! He would never forgive himself.

"I'll make sure to tell him when he gets back. If he even makes it back home tonight," he whispered. He stood up to meet Ash, who was still a bit shorter than he was. He pulled Ash in for a hug before he departed. In fact, Gary did not want Ash to leave. He knew what was coming, and wanted someone to be there while he was down. But he loves Tracey, and if Ash was around any longer, his feelings for him would reappear. That wasn't an option. He has already created enough tension between the two boys. He didn't want to create more. He didn't love Ash anymore... did he? He wasn't about to find out.

Gary let go of Ash and left to his room. Ash stood there in a trance, feeling the radiance of Gary's warmth wither away as he fled his arms. Ash recollected himself and started to head for the door. He left in a hurry, he needed to get away from this place. He needed to be alone.

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