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Author note - I've been listening to a lot of new songs recently, and they've given me so much inspiration for the story! I had an idea of how i wanted it to go and where it would end, and now with these ideas that have came to me I'm really pumped to write. If i somehow incorporate the song/lyrics into the story I'll make sure to let you all know so you could take a listen if you wanted to. Now, where we left off... Gary and Tracey huh? ;)

P.s this chapter is mostly flashback. Gotta know how this pair ended up together, don't we?

It had been an exact week since Ash left to the new region. One week of being locked inside my room. I only went out when it was necessary. I had a bathroom, so I didn't need to leave for that. I usually just left to eat. That was about it. I had told my grandfather that I was busy researching something for a friend. To my surprise, he believed me and has left me alone. In reality, I just layed in my bed the entire time. Thinking. Thinking always got the best of me. I can never stop thinking. Ash kissed me. I still can't wrap my head around it. I mean, this must mean he has feelings for me, right? Even if he does It wouldn't matter anymore. I left him. I've been ignoring him. Whatever he had for me was probably gone by now. I fucked up and now I've lost the only true person I really cared about.

I felt my stomach begin to tighten up, and I wanted to cry. I couldn't. I've cried so much that I don't have anymore tears left in me. Just pain. Maybe I should just call him? Maybe he still likes me. Maybe I'll have a chance with him if he comes back.

No. He will probably just ignore me. Even if we were best friends again and were close, it wouldn't matter. I hurt him, and now I have to pay. My thoughts lingered in my head as my grandfather barged in my room, failing to knock even after I tell him every single day.

    "Gary! I have wonderful news!" he exclaimed as he stood in the doorway.

"As you know, I've been really struggling around here, even with your help. So, I've looked into getting an assistant, and now I have one! Do you remember that Tracey boy that traveled with Ash in the Orange Islands?" I flinched at the name. He has no clue. I should tell him about Ash. He might not even care about me being bi. Yet the voice in my head told me not to, and it would probably only make things worse.

"No, I've never met him," I said cooly. I wasn't that excited to have a new face lurking around this house. I've had to avoid him all the time, and now with two people to avoid it would be even harder. Plus Tracey was close to Ash. He probably knows about me. Ash probably told him all the cruel and rude stuff I've said to him. He probably hates me. Who doesn't these days?

"Well, I hope you become great friends, because he's on his way now! Why don't you make yourself presentable. You've been up here for at least a week and your room is a mess! I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather you take a break from that research of yours. Come down and meet Tracey. I'm sure you will get along," he beamed. He made his way back downstairs as I shut my door and began to change. It hit me how much I haven't been taking care of myself. I realized I've been wearing the same shirt and sweatpants for a while, and I haven't showered. All this because of Ash. I really need to let this go, but I can't. I have so many strong feelings for him.

As I began to get trapped in my thoughts again, I stripped myself from the nasty clothes I was wearing and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I gained some weight. Not much, I still was in shape. I just can't believe I've been sucked up in Ash that I've been doing this to myself.

I stopped looking in the mirror and began to turn on the shower. I stepped in and felt the hot water hit my body. It felt amazing. It felt as if the water took off not only the stench of me, but also my sadness. I began to shampoo my hair, massaging my scalp. This was the first time I felt better in a while. Maybe a shower was all that I needed. I knew that once I would get out, life would come back and suck me in, but I wanted to enjoy my time in here. If only Ash were in here with me.

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