Chapter 5

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I was walking in a snowy forest full of evergreen trees. There was a lake that was frozen over, and there were tall canyons. It was nighttime, with the stars clear and bright like diamonds, surrounded by a dark ebony blanket known as the sky.  I was in a simple white dress with spaghetti straps that somehow complimented my physique nicely. Even though I had neither shoes nor a coat, I could not feel the cold around me. I was in no rush at all, as if I had all the time in the world. Two butterflies flew by- a cobalt blue one and a pure black one. Captivated by their beauty, I followed them, reaching out so that we could make contact. However, every time I think they’re about to land, they fly away, as if they are taunting me, testing me, seeing if I can be touched by them.

I reached out for them once more, and they slipped from my fingertips one final time before they flew away from my sight completely. They disappeared into the shadows in between the luscious green trees. In their place, a man appeared. He was gorgeous,  and he looks Asian. Chinese, to my knowledge, from seeing so many people from different ethnicities. His hair, dyed lavender, was styled in a boyband quiff, free of gel or any type of hair product that will refrain from his hair from being free. His eyes shined a shade of grey, sparkling in the moonlight that refused to be held back by the thick patches of leaves.

At first, he was trying to remove some furry creature that had buried their teeth into his calf. He struggled quite a bit, but managed to remove it successfully a few minutes later. “Well, this bites,” he said, oblivious to my presence. Once he stood upright between the trees that reached out to him, trying to lock him in, he turned his head slightly and stared at me with a gentle smile on his face, which both assured and uneased me. “Hello,” he greeted. “Come to Canada with me.” he said unexpectedly. “There are others who are waiting for you with open arms. Isn’t that what you are searching for?”

“Who are you?”, I asked, befuddled and scared because of his accurate knowledge. “I am Jun Heng, but you are welcome to call me anything you wish. You are Faythe, correct? Well, that’s such a beautiful name, especially for such a beautiful lady.” He winked at me as he said that last statement, leaving me speechless, since it’s difficult for me to accept compliments. “Umm...thank you,” I replied unsurely. Before he could respond, I moved on to a more important matter. “I’m sorry, but can you explain what you mean? Why should I go to Canada? How am I going to get there, and where in Canada would I go? Who’s waiting for me, and how do they know who I am? Can I even trust you? I literally just met you!” I fired question after question, barely giving him a chance to respond to any of them. He chuckled. “Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, zhu zhu!” Okay, he is getting way too familiar with me. I have to do something about this right now.

“Mr. Heng, it is very nice meeting you, but why are you already giving me pet names?” His smile grew wider. “ First, you do not need to be so proper. I’m only three years older than you. It is because you are my future lao po zi, or tai tai.” “I’m sorry, I do not know what either one of those are.” A knowing look crossed his face. “You will find out when you come to Saguenay, Quebec, to meet the other vampires. I am sending a private plane to come get you. You are more than welcome to bring your friends with you. I will be waiting for you when you arrive, so do not worry about being lost. I know that you are still wary about trusting me, so I will prove to you that I mean no harm.  Please, step forward.” What is he planning? I asked internally, unsure if I should get closer to him. I decided to, since I wasn’t sensing a bad vibe from him. I walked toward him until I was about three feet in front of him. He closed half of the distance and grabbed my hand. He then allowed his fangs to slide out, then plunged them into the palm of his hand. Mr. Heng- I mean, Jun - retracted his fangs after he has made the two holes in his hand, and pulled my hand toward him, palm side up. He turned his hand over and drew two hearts overlapping with the red liquid before the puncture closed up. He swore an oath over my hand, promising that if he dared try to betray me, then he shall be punished severely. The young vampire then had me place the hand with the mark on his neck, so that the last part of the binding was complete.

“I will be waiting, zhu zhu.”

“Wait, Jun! I--”

“Take this with you.” He placed something small and cold into my hand.  “And remember this: keep coming closer, and expect to be bitten.” Before I could see what it was, everything around me disappeared.


I woke up, feeling alert, but not out of fear. The trees outside waved at me as it was being caressed by the gentle winds. I sat up, trying to get a better look at the world that was much brighter than my own. As I did so, I heard a gentle thud as something hit the floor in Rebecca’s room. I looked down and saw a beautiful ring with multiple blue stones of different shades, set in a silver band. It was currently reflecting the sunlight that was pouring through the window. At least it wasn’t raining cats and dogs. That’d be a great way to start my morning.

Rebecca and her family were probably already gone, since I didn’t hear any noise from the hall or downstairs. I thought about my next plan of action that I would take. But one thing for sure, I can’t leave Becka and Palo behind. Placing the ring on my right ring finger, I tried to remember my dream last night. I might end up going to Canada, like Jun suggested, though I don’t know him enough to determine if I should. He’s a bit shady as well, but I can tell he doesn’t mean any intentional harm right now. I can’t stay in the city either, because someone might send a search party or something of  the sort. It won’t be my parents, though, I thought sadly. Even though my mom tried to kill me, I still miss her and the rest of my family. I can’t seem to shake off the feeling of rejection and sadness, and it makes me so depressed. I love them so much, and I may never be able to see them again. Will I even get into Heaven now? Am I a demon, or do I still have a chance to fulfill my ultimate goal?

Not now, I thought. If I start thinking about this now, I will accomplish nothing. I tried to start writing in my journal to clear my head a little so that it can be easier for ideas to flow with no distractions. After writing my troubles down, I closed my journal and started consulting with God. Hey, even if I’m not human anymore, I still love and respect my Creator. “Alright, God,” I started. “I’m all ears. Please, help me once more, LORD. Protect me, and show me the way I need to go.” I sat for almost an hour, writing different ideas and plans, until I finally made a decision. “Thank You, LORD.” I’d tell Becka about it when she comes home. Then I’ll go to Palo’s house later on.

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