Chapter 7

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We arrived at the nearby airport a few hours later, where Jun’s private jet was at. It was ostentatious,  but not too lavish. While we were on the plane, we all began craving blood again, so we decided to try drinking from each other. It worked, but we won’t be able to do that again until our bodies get enough water, iron, and time to generate more blood. We arrived at Quebec six hours later. Since it was a private jet, we didn’t have to go to luggage claim. We had just exited when I heard Faythe tell us to stop. She began walking towards an Asian guy, who appeared to get more and more excited as she began getting closer.

“Faythe!” he said. I’m assuming he’s Jun.

“Mr. He- I mean, Jun. Hello,” she greeted him with an uneasy smile.

“Wow, you’ve gotten thinner since the last time we saw each other! You look like you’re getting in better shape, which is very becoming for a young woman such as yourself.” What the...? Who does he think he is, talking to my friend like that!? Faythe was too shocked to say anything, and I could tell she was really hurt. I can’t believe him! Even if she wasn’t so self-conscious about her body, no one should ever say something like that using that kind of wording, especially to a woman you’ve never really met! “It was only about two days ago since you’ve seen me,” she said quietly. “Yeah, but since you are technically dead, your body mass will deteriorate over time. If you exercise, then you can still burn calories like a  normal living person, which speeds up weight-loss.” Even though he explained what he was talking about, it was still a rude way to greet her.

“Thanks, I guess,” she said unsurely. She then held out her right hand to him. “Could you tell me why you gave me this ring?” I looked at her hand, wondering why I didn’t notice it before, or the faint mark on her palm. I glanced at Palo to see if he knew about it. By the look on his face, I’m guessing he didn’t know about it either.

“Oh, that thing? It doubles as a ring of protection, but it is actually an engagement ring.” Faythe’s already turmoiled expression became more confused and surprised. “....what did you just say? I hope this just an old engagement ring, and you’re not trying to propose to me.”

“No, Zhu Zhu. I had that ring specially made for you. You are to be my wife. It has been prophesied by the king.”

“I’m sorry, but I don't want to marry you. I have feelings for someone else. Besides, I just met you yesterday, and even then, we didn’t even talk about each other, not to include that we met in a dream!” “But lao po zi, I know much about you.” My best friend looked distraught. “You might know of me, but you don’t know me. Nor do I know you in any shape or form, besides your name and appearance.” None of her words seemed to get through to his head. Or, maybe, he refuses to let them to. “It does not matter, tai tai. Do you not love me?” She shook her head. “Not in a romantic way, but the way you love a stranger.” He looked confused. “Do you speak of lust?” “No! Lust is not love. It’s...lust! It’s love, but it’s more like a feeling of compassion and care mixed into one, with respect. On a lower level.”

“But, Zhu Zhu, you do not know of the prophecy. If we do not marry, horrible things will happen to you and your loved ones. If we do, then you will have a new family you can come to who will accept you wholly, but you must give up your soul - or what remains of it, if you lost part of it already - to me.”

“I cannot give up a soul I have given away. My soul is in God’s hands, and I won’t take it back, even if I could.” He was quiet for a minute. Palo took this opportunity to speak up. “Excuse me, but I really think you should leave us alone now.” He was seething because this overly candid man before us was only adding to Faythe’s grief. Jun seemed to notice Palo for the first time since we have approached him. “Excuse me, but are you not a servant to my fiancee?” Faythe was about to speak, but he beat her to it. “No, I am not. I am her best friend. And as her best friend, I have to say that you are not even remotely close to being a good match for Faythe.” Palo was steaming mad now, to the point where steam seemed to be coming out of his ears.. Faythe stepped up to Palo. “Palo, I have no choice but to do this. Even though I can’t give up my soul to him, I need his protection to keep you and my family safe. I can't do it alone, and I have no idea what I’ll be up against. Now, let’s go to where the others are.”


Thirty-five minutes later, we were at the Lunares Sanguine Flower (Lunar Blood Flower) empire. As soon as we stepped foot on their territory, a wave of enthusiastic vampires rushed up to Faythe. “Welcome, Mistress!”, one ginger-haired guy exclaimed as he bowed before her. “No no, no need to bow…” Faythe said abashedly. But he ignored her, and the others began to bow as well. After they were finished prostrating themselves, they all watched her eagerly, seemingly awaiting for her to say something.

“Aye, well...thank you guys for allowing me and my friends to stay with you guys. We really appreciate it. It’s been a rough few days for us, and I was worried about where would we go and who we could trust. I hope that we are not interfering with your regular lifestyle.” Ginger smiled. “M’lady, you are quite welcome. We are honored to have you come to stay.” Faythe looked confused. “How come you keep referring to me as if I have higher authority than any of you? I'm a newcomer.” The young ginger head gasped in surprise. “You do not know who your fiance is?”

“Yes, I am betrothed to Jun,” Faythe said, still having difficulty getting used to saying that. “Yes, but do you not know of his position in the vampire world?” “I thought he was just another common vampire.” “My dear, we vampires are part of a hierarchy. Heng-dono is King Xavier’s son!”

I don’t know how much more shock any of us can take, but Faythe looks on the verge of collapsing. “He’s...he’s the prince?” Another vampire with a Canadian accent walked up to stand next to him. “Yes, m’lady. He is the heir of the Lunares Sanguine Flower kingdom.

“The butterflies of love and death have informed our majesty of your predicament, and he has decided to allow you to join our empire. However, the king has also recognized that you hold great power, and could not allow you to simply come in as a commoner. Therefore, he requested that Jun would go to you and woo you so that you may court and get married. If you did not, you would be assassinated by dark vampires. However, since you have accepted his proposal, you will no longer hold your memories of your past life. Your friends may stay, but they will no longer have the current friendship they have with you. In exchange, we will offer you full-time protection and a welcoming place to stay.”

Faythe looked so conflicted. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and I usually can. Finally, she looked up. “Include the same for these two, and you got yourself a deal.” Palo and I both gasped at her words. “Faythe!” Palo started. “Why would you agree to marry into a family you know nothing about?” She had a soft but fierce look on her face. “I’m doing this because I feel this is best for all of us.  I can’t allow myself to live a luxurious life and leave you two vulnerable and unprotected. None of us knows this world, and we can’t risk anyone finding out about us while we’re still inexperienced.” She looked at both of us, her eyes completely soft and heartbroken. “I’m sorry to do this to you, but I don’t think we have any other choice.”

My eyes begin to sting, and I couldn’t hold back the tears. Nonetheless, I tried to offer a small smile. “Okay. I will miss you so much. Take this,” I told her, giving her two of my favorite wristbands. “So that you can have part of me with you.” With tears falling down her face, she gave me a long, tight hug before hesitantly releasing me to reach into her suitcase. When she was upright again, she held two of her most favorite necklaces with her: her blue watch necklace, and her scorpion necklace. She handed me the watch, then turned and gave Palo the scorpion.

“So that you guys will never forget me. I love you both-” she hiccuped, no longer able to hold her facade of calm. “Always remember that. I may not remember all the memories we’ve made so far, but I pray that we can still be friends once this is over.”

She began to turn away, but Palo stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. He stepped behind her and put the chain necklace he was wearing on her neck. His eyes were glowing red-violet, his face long and sorrowful. “I’ll miss you, Faythe.” He whispered it so low, that even with my new enhanced hearing, I barely heard it. But I knew that his word held a deeper meaning. He hugged her more tightly than I thought possible, and was returned with her own tight embrace. Once they were done, we all joined together for a group hug.

Jun interrupted the moment, seemingly oblivious to the intimate moment. “Come now, Faythe darling. We must complete the ceremony as soon as possible.” She looked like she wanted to say something to us, but she only said three words:  “See you later.” And with that, our mutual best friend walked away, leaving us in the cold snow with vampires that she still does not trust will fully accept her. We waved after her, crying, praying, and trying not to run after her.

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