Chapter 6

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I can’t believe it’s actually happening. The woman I deeply care for is a vampire, and she plans on leaving. I can’t imagine life without her, and I don’t want to. That’s why I’ll be going with her. I want her to fulfill the promise she made so that we won’t lose our friendship. She is the sugar to my bitter cup of coffee called life. Becka is the creamer, another important part of coffee to me. I love them both, and I don’t want to lose them, especially under circumstances like these.

A few hours later, it was eleven o’clock. I was pretending to prepare to go to bed, when I was actually getting ready to leave. I already packed up my suitcase, now I’m just waiting for Faythe to come. I was writing a letter for my father, trying to be as vague as possible. Almost immediately after I finished, a soft knock came from the window. I moved the curtains to reveal Faythe, her long hair blowing in the wind, the front of her body shadowed by the silhouette formed due to the moonlight behind her. She’s gorgeous, and I won’t deny it. To be able to take her out, become her boyfriend, marry her, make love to her, and be the father of her children would be my dream. I know that we can’t be together even if we wanted to, though. She had a crush on me, but based on her recent behavior, I could tell that someone else has captured her heart, and this time, I have a feeling that it’s different from her other crushes.

“Are you just gonna stand there and watch me, or are you going to let me in? Do I have to give you a little performance or something?” she asked, drawing me out of my stupor. I opened the window so that she could come in. Her voice dropped. “Good. I thought I'd have to get down and dirty with you. Probably demand your attention through dance...and you know how I am when I dance.” She winked as she entered my room, and then turned around and started reaching down. Becka’s face appeared, followed by the rest of her body. After she came in, she closed the window behind her. After getting a closer examination, I noticed that she was about the same shade as Faythe now. The girls must have noticed, since they both began to tell me that Faythe turned her. Their eyes flashed for a moment, illuminating the dark room, each pair a different color. Becka’s eyes were violet, and Faythe’s were a silvery green color. The unique colors of their eyes contrasted with their dark lashes, drawing me in and almost making me forget everything I’m thinking about.

“Are you sure you still want to go through with this, Palo?” Faythe asked. Becka stepped up next to her. “If you go through with this, then you’ll have to leave with us.” “I’m sure,” I said. “I even packed my bags just in case you told me that.”

Faythe stayed silent for a moment. “Okay. But we all have to leave tonight. And...someone is waiting for me, and he is providing transportation to get me where I need to go.”

“Where are we going?”

“Canada. Saguenay, Quebec, to be exact.”

“Who’s waiting for you?”

“Some guy named Jun.”

“Faythe, I don’t think-”

“Palo, I know. I don’t want to do this either, but what other choice do I have?” She was upset by this point, almost angry. But not at me. She’s frustrated that she was rejected by her own family, and is about to do something that is risky, but seems to be the only way she can find refuge for all of us. “Let’s do this,” I said after a moment of silence. “Alright. I suggest you sit or lay down for this.” I chose to sit down. She leaned close to me and whispered, “Do you want Becka to stay?” I thought about it. “Will it hurt a lot?”

“I don’t know. Sensations vary with each individual.”

“Have her stand outside, just in case.”

“Okay.” She turned around to let Becka know that she should stand outside. Since they’ve been friends for so long, no words were even needed. With one turn of Faythe’s head, she got the message loud and clear before she quietly walked out of the room.

“Alright. I actually can’t get a good grip from this side. Do you mind if I, uhh...straddle you?”

Oh my she serious? I chuckled. “It's fine, Faythe.” Unless you don't want to feel my heart beating like it's about to pop out of my chest. I moved back some so she can get into position. Clean thoughts. Clean thoughts. I held on to her waist so she didn't fall.

“Are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

She leaned in towards my neck, her eyes returning to their ethereal color. Her fangs pierced my neck, and all of my senses faded. I was trying to say something, to make some kind of sound, but I couldn’t hear a thing, so I wasn't sure if anything made it to her ears . Before I knew it, everything went black.



“Palo, wake up!”

I heard a gentle voice calling for me. I strained to open my eyes. A hand touched my forehead, slightly warm. I smelled...something delicious. It smelled sweet and a bit spicy, like rich chocolate caliente and  the spices in a Mexican dish, though not quite. I caught another scent as well, but it was cooler than the other one. My eyes flew open, prepared to search for the source of the scent. But all I saw were my two female friends, eyes glowing their beautiful shades of cool colors. Oh my I smelling their blood? I didn’t think that was possible, but now I have been proved wrong.

“His eyes are flashing. Good thing we brought this along,” Becka said, holding up three dead squirrels. I didn’t want to, but my body was craving it. So I accepted the “meal” and finished it rather quickly. Even though it wasn’t what the vampiric side of me desired, it was appeased for the moment.

“We need to go now, before your family wakes up,” Becka told me. “Yeah. My bags are already packed, so let’s go.” We gathered our belongings and climbed out the window. Once we all reached the ground, we all turned back to my father’s house.

“I can’t believe we’re leaving St. Louis,” Faythe said. “I’ll miss everything that I am leaving behind.”

Becka nodded. “Yeah. All of our other friends, our families. But I guess it’s for the best. And at least we have each other.” “That was exactly what I was thinking,” Faythe said with a smile.

I didn’t say anything, only because the girls already said everything that needed to be said. “Once we deliver our letters, we can head to the airport.” We all turned back around, at the path that lies before us, and we ran, using our new vampiric speed.

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