Daddy's Little Girl

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"So what time is Paul gonna be here?" Ace asked while tuning his guitar.

"He called and said he'd be a little late." Gene said. "He's picking his daughter up at the airport."

"How old is Santana now?" Ace asked, still tending his guitar which he had respectfully named "Rocket" after his Spaceman persona.

"Eighteen." Gene said, also tuning his own bass guitar. "All grown up, making me feel old."

"Careful, Gene..." Peter said from his seat behind the drums. "You're slippin' into the grave and fast!!" He joked as Ace joined him in riotous laughter.

"You clowns go ahead and laugh it up!!" Gene said sarcastically as he couldn't help but smile and laugh himself. "I can still remember her running around here all shy and scared, hanging onto Paul's leg when we were first starting up..."

Paul Stanley had become a father early in life when he was still just a teenager.

At only 17 years old and after one night of drugs and alcohol at a party; he had ultimately made a choice he couldn't go back on.

Never regretting his daughter for even a second, he stepped up and took the reins of fatherhood seriously. He had held down 3 part-time jobs, went to school at night, and played music with Gene in a never ending dream of becoming successful and providing for his family.

One night after school and a long shift at one of three jobs, Paul came home to find what he never would have expected to find.

His three-month old daughter lying in her crib, screaming and crying; while the mother of his child, a woman he swore to love forever and who he thought loved him, was nowhere to be found.

Immediately running to his daughter's side, he found a note taped to the head of Santana's crib in her mother's handwriting telling him she couldn't do this anymore, how she didn't want to be a mother or a wife and that she just wasn't ready. She explained that while she loved both them with all her heart, it still wasn't working for her; she knew he would do the right thing.

From that day forward, Paul promised himself and his daughter that he would fight hell to give her everything he could and to be the father she deserved.

By the time Santana was around six years old, Paul and Gene had formed KISS and had brought Peter and Ace onto their scene. 

After some struggle, they had finally found a manager who was willing to give them a chance and had taken off, straight to the top.

Paul was able to provide for his daughter and himself more than most fathers but fame also came with its price.

Going out on the road meant leaving his daughter behind in the care of his mother while he was gone. 

Santana was sent to a Catholic all girls private school and had spent twelve years seeing her daddy in magazines, on television, hearing him on the radio, listening to him on her records, and hearing his voice on the phone every night when he would call home. 

Her only time with him was short-lived two or three day breaks when he came off of the road, which went by much too fast.

Now; at barely 18 years old herself, barely grown up, and school behind her, Santana Nicole Stanley wanted the time with her daddy that she had looked forward to for so long.

Paul had gladly obliged; wanting and desiring the same time with his daughter for so long.

Since KISS was on a break and performing at local venues at home in New York, Paul and Santana were finally going to get the chance for daddy and daughter time.

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