💖😊💖 Refreshed and Updated!!! 💖😊💖

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Hi, guys!!!


Fantastic news!!! After a VERY unwelcome and extended visit from Writer's Block on Father Knows Best...or Does He? I am so so soooooooooooo HAPPY to announce that the next chapter is now (finally!!!) updated and finished!!!


Tho, since it has been FOREVER since I was able to break through the fog and update this story, I decided to refresh and recap on just what exactly happened the last time we left Paul, Santana, and Peter!!!


Ready? Here we go!!!

After the Detective that Paul had hired to originally find Santana when she went missing with Peter the first time managed to catch up with them at a local convenience store, a high speed chase took place ending in a horrifying crash involving both Peter and Santana...

Peter had used himself as a shield and protected Santana through the entire situation, allowing her to be released from the hospital sooner than himself and back home with her father...

Over a month later, Paul paid Peter a visit while he was in the hospital and still recovering through therapy.

During the visit, Paul begged and pleaded with Peter to end his relationship with Santana; explaining the closeness of their own relationship as father and daughter and that the two of them (Peter and Santana) couldn't be together for obvious reasons...

Peter refused, arguing the fact that he had proposed to Santana and that they were now engaged along with the fact that Santana was pregnant with his child.

Heartbroken and surprised that Peter had not yet been informed of Santana's miscarriage due to her involvement in the accident;
Paul then took on the sad task of telling him the tragic news...


Devastated, Peter "escaped" the hospital; desperate to get to Santana...

Sneaking into her bedroom as he had many times before, the pair were then reunited once again.

Realizing that Paul was right and haunted by the words that he had told him at the hospital, Peter knew there was only one answer to how he and Santana could be together the way that they both wanted to be...


Happy to finally have his daughter back home, Paul awoke the next morning ready and looking forward to time well deserved with Santana.

Not finding her waiting for him at the breakfast table, he figured the possibility that she had overslept.

Going upstairs, he called her name and knocked on his daughter's bedroom door; receiving no answer, he then turned the knob to go inside...


...and here we are...

A quick wrap-up and of course there were TONS more details but I think we covered the hot spots...lol!!!


The answer to just what was waiting on the other side of the door along with the decision that Peter reached in how he and Santana could finally be together and more are all waiting in the next chapter...


My deepest apologies from the bottom of my heart that this story took me FOREVER to update, guys!!!

I really hope y'all like it and that it was worth the wait...tho I honestly have disciplined and chastised myself for taking such a long time with this chapter, lol!!!


Thank you so so much, guys!!!

I Love You ALL!!!

Without you, I could NEVER do this!!!


All My Love!!!

❤️ Always,

Angel 😽


(a.k.a. CatGirl/Catman's Angel)


Father Knows Best...or Does He? (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now