Two Men and A Young Lady...

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Santana awoke the next morning to the sound of her alarm playing "I Was Made for Lovin' You" and smiled in recall of the night before. 

Sitting up, she yawned and stretched; noticing a note on her nightstand that read: 


I have rehearsal this morning at The Electric Lady, I'd like you to join me so we can spend the day together afterwards. I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes. 

 I love you so so much, angel!! 



Smiling, she shook her head and giggled at her father's nearly illegible handwriting. 

Moving to get up, she then noticed something slipped under her pillow. 

"Another note?" Santana said to herself as she opened the neatly folded piece of paper. 

Sure enough, it was another note that read: 

"Good morning, my beautiful kitten: 

Last night was so're so amazing baby. You were asleep when I left early this morning, you looked so beautiful and peaceful; I didn't want to wake you, sweetheart...

I have rehearsal at The Electric Lady this morning; I hope to see you there, baby...

I love you so so much kitten...I cant wait to see you again, my love...

Thinking of you always, until you're wrapped in my arms again, gattina...

Love You Beyond the Moon, 


Smiling again, she then slid Peter's note into her nightstand drawer; laying back against her pillows with a happy sigh, the faint tinge of Peter's after shave still lingering in her sheets. 

After making her bed and grabbing her clothes, she then headed to shower and get ready for her day with the two men who held her heart and her love.


"Good job, gang!!" Paul said as they finished their fourth straight set. "Let's take a quick break and we'll come back and hit it again!!"

Heading down and off the stage, he then stopped at the table where Santana sat watching. 

"I have to go and talk to both our manager and the manager of The Electric Lady about tomorrow night, sweetheart." He told her. "I'll see you in a bit, angel." He promised, dropping a swift and loving kiss on top of her head; smiling as he then walked off to where Bill Aucoin and the club manager were both standing.

Santana suddenly heard a whistle and looked up to find Peter also looking at her, smiling and gesturing for her to come backstage. 

Making a quick check behind her, she noticed Paul's back was turned to her and that he was a good distance away. 

Looking back at Peter, she then gave him a nod and a smile; getting up and heading toward the backstage area. 

Grabbing and wrapping his arms around her, Peter then backed her up against the wall; pinning her body with his as he crashed his mouth down on hers. 

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