Can You Hear Me Running...Can You Hear Me Calling You... (Wattpad Deleted Scene)

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"We've expanded the search statewide." Detective Andrews informed Paul. "I also have an alert posted statewide as well." He continued. "I assure you, we are going to find her, Mr. Stanley."

Paul sighed, remaining quiet; he was slowly losing hope with each day's pass.

"What happens if someone does happen to see her or Peter?" Gene asked.

"We've tagged the alert with contact information to myself and the department along with instructions not to approach them in the fear that Peter may be armed." Detective Andrews replied.

"What if they're no longer in New York though?" Eric added in question.

"If we don't hear anything or nothing turns up within the next few days then we issue both the search and the alerts nationwide." Detective Andrews explained.

"What happens to my little girl?" Paul finally spoke, his dark and lonely eyes looking up at all of them; fear and anger present in his stare.

"That's to be decided when she's found, Mr. Stanley." Detective Andrews replied. "I promise you, she will be taken very good care of and things will be handled appropriately."

Paul's gaze dropped; the only thing that mattered was that Santana returned home and she was safe. He longed to hear her laugh, see her smile, and most of all; he longed to hear her say the four words that always made the world right no matter what was going on.

"I love you, daddy..." Santana's voice whispered through his memory.

Tears welling in his eyes again, he then rose to his feet; crossing the floor and heading out the door without a word said.

"This just ain't Paul..." Eric said, shaking his head. "I sure hope Santana and Cat come home soon..."

"We all do, Eric..." Gene said, laying a hand on Eric's shoulder as they stared after Paul. "We all do..."


Peter stirred himself awake, finding Santana snuggled in his embrace. Smiling, he softly kissed the top of her head; watching as she also stirred but didn't wake up.

The room was dark except for the dim and flickering light from the television washing upon the walls.

Peter checked his watch, then reached for the remote to turn the television off when something on the screen stopped him.

The words "Important Message" flashed repetitively as the screen turned blue. A news reporter with a microphone then appeared, his expression and tone both serious.

"No parent ever wants to experience the heartbreak of a missing child, let alone their only child." The reporter began. "The pain and sorrow of not knowing where they are and if they are safe are certainly unimaginable. For a well-known native of New York, that horror as unfortunately became a reality." He continued.

The camera panned, falling upon a familiar face.

"I am being joined by Paul Stanley, a.k.a. The Starchild; rhythm guitarist and frontman for the notorious New York born band, KISS." The reporter said. "Mr. Stanley's only daughter and only child, Santana, has been missing now for nearly two weeks."

Behind Paul, stood Gene and Ace as well as Peter recognized the face of Eric Carr; all of them, including Paul himself, were dressed in costume and full makeup. Paul's emotions and expression seemed to be masked behind the makeup, though he couldn't hide the hurt in his eyes.

"Mr. Stanley, you have something to say?" The reporter asked, handing the microphone to Paul.

Paul nodded. "I know this probably isn't the blood and gore gang bang fight, car accident, or major disaster type of news you all want or expect..." He began. "...but if you're a parent, please imagine with me for a moment how it would feel to wake up one morning and find your child is gone...and then you think back to the last thing you said to them, and you realize how wrong you were, that your fear overrun your sense and you hurt them..."

Peter looked over at Santana, thankful that she was still sleeping peacefully. He kept the volume on the television low but still enough for him to hear as he didn't want to wake her.

"And when they don't return home, you start to feel that it was you who drove them left them with no choice but to run because of your own anger...and because you didn't or you wouldn't listen to what it was they had to say..." Paul continued. "I'm not a perfect parent but God blessed me with one perfect child...a perfect child who I want to hold in my arms again...a perfect child who taught me so much and made me realize so many things...a perfect child who I just want to come home..." He swiped at his eyes, fighting his returning tears.

Lifting the microphone, he then spoke again.

"Santana, baby, if you're listening; I just want you to know that I'm so so sorry..." His voice began to waver. "...I was wrong to yell at you, I was wrong not to listen to you...I love you so much, princess...please, come home...I'm not mad at you, pumpkin...I miss you...God, I miss you...I love you, Santana...please, angel...please, come home...I love you..." His emotions won the battle as he then broke down, unable to say anything more.

Peter watched as Gene then took the microphone from Paul and looked at the camera, almost looking at him.

"Santana, we love you very much...we're scared and we're worried about you..." He began, his gruff baritone voice also laden with heartbreak and worry. "...come home to us, sweetheart...please...we just want you back..."

Peter sat quiet, smiling as he watched Santana sleep. He loved her and he would fight through hell to keep her.

The situation was now growing more intense; however, he wasn't going to let Paul or Gene or anyone else come between him and the girl he loved more than life itself. No matter what was yet to come, he and Santana would be together.

"And, Peter, if you're listening..." Gene spoke again. "I have only one thing to long can you run..."  

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