Chapter 2

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"Do me a favor Allison go to my house and if she isn't home check the trees she's a climber?" Scott said. "What if she isn't in the trees?" Allison asked? "She'll be there she made herself a treehouse when we were young. She always got away from our father he abused her as a kid." Scott said.

"Mom always came and brought her some food she never spoke to no one that week even if father apologised to her she would have gave him the silent treatment so everytime he came around her she ran to her room and locked it. When dinner came around mom brought food to her room and we noticed her cutting so when we asked her why was she cutting, she just said it was only her father's fault for the abuse. One day he came home drunk mom told him to get the drunk out of the house and he never came back." Scott said.

"I remember your sister always had the time and day with Stiles but when Isaac came to town she barely hanged out with I." Stiles said. "When I came to town she was shy and didn't want to hang out with me." Allison said. "I hanged out with you more and then she starting cutting again so she saw me taking her pain away." Scott said.

"Wait what does all that include?" Lydia said. "Werewolves." Scott said. "I'll meet you at my house in the backyard I have to put my gear and stuff up and then I'll meet you there." Scott said.

At Scott's house
Alex sees Allison come in her house as she sits in the treehouse.
"You know I can turn you and you'll be able to hear." Derek signs. "You know my brother would be here any minute Derek. Go Allison is coming." Alex signs.

Derek runs out of the treehouse without Allison noticing.
"Hey didn't know you were here." Allison said while Alex smiles. "I can't come up there Allison it's mountain ash wood." Scott said.

Allison sees Alex taking medicine and points to her ear.
"What's wrong with your ear?" Allison asked. Alex shrugs. "You deaf?" Allison signs but she don't answers Allison.

I got to go see ya Allison~Alex showed her a message.
"We can get you a hearing aid if you need one Alex." Allison signs. "Thanks but i'm good." Alex signs back."You sure?"Allison said.

"Keep this from Scott and Stiles I don't want them to know me being Deaf." Alex signs. "I can keep a secret." Allison said.
"Thanks but I got to go to Deaton's clinic.." Alex said.

Deaton's clinic
"Hey Deaton I'm here. What do you want me to do?" Alex signs. "Come here." Deaton signed.
"Ugh, are you going to make me wear a hearing aid in here?" Alex said. "It's a special one though and you'll barely see it. It'll blend in your ear and no one will know that your deaf." Deaton signed.

"Will it make me hear Deaton?" Alex signed. "It will but you will need to come back here every two months to get the battery changed." Deaton signed when Derek comes through the room to see Alex.
"So you rather be deaf than be hearing?" Derek said while she heard him say it.

"You know I heard that Derek?" Alex signed. "Good now speak." Derek said. "It takes years to learn how to speak Derek. I need to take speech." Alex signed.

"She's right Derek it takes approximately two years and I think she is fine signing then being a wolf you know that Derek." Deaton said. "Now worry about this situation Derek you have to defeat this Kanima and while Lydia screams again these hearing aids won't work." Alex signs.

"She's correct her hearing is damaged but with these hearing aids will hear for a bit till she screams and then these aren't of any use." Deaton said. "The only reason I couldn't hear your voices is because of this thing that Lydia is and it hurt my hearing." Alex signed.

"Wish I could tell you what she is but no one scares me not even you Derek so I won't tell anyone but Deaton might know what Lydia is." Alex signed. "Nothing scares you?" Derek asked showing her his wolfy side. "Nothing but that's a cute face." Alex signed. "Come by my place i'll text you where its at." Derek said. "Good bye wolfy." Alex signed. "Night Alex." Derek said.

At home
"Hey you hungry Alex?" Scott asked. "Where's mom?" Alex text. "She at hospital working." Scott said.
"I'm hungry." she admitted in a text. "Good, how about pizza?" Scott asked. They eat the pizza go to their room and take shower and Derek shows up in Alex's room.

"What do you want Derek?" Alex signed?
"Derek if you think a kanima will hurt me more than a Lydia. You can sleep in my chair and i'm pretty sure i've noticed you stalking me since I told you I was deaf. Good night Derek." Alex signed. "You're coming to train with me and my betas in the morning." Derek said. "Ok night Derek." Alex signed.

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