Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The flying eventually became more and more calm, as they flew in amongst the clouds to avoid being seen. Hermione had gotten used to it, and was marvelling at the steadiness of a broom if flown properly. It was much more relaxing than a Hippogriff or a Thestral. After seeing a Seeker play in a game of Quidditch, she promised herself she would never get on a broom with someone like Harry or Draco. Hermione appreciated the fact that Draco did his best to fly slowly and steadily. He wasn't purposefully doing scary and bizarre somersaults and tricks, like she'd expected him to.

"Do you think Harry and Ron are okay? Do you think they escaped as well?" asked Hermione anxiously. Once again she was separated from her two best friends, only this time they might have been the ones who got captured.

"I don't really care," Draco snorted in reply, making her turn around and glare at him. "But they most likely did. They went a different way to us, and the Carrow's were after us the entire time, remember?"

"Yeah. I hope you're right," said Hermione, turning to face the front.

"Granger, you really need a haircut," said Draco from behind her, trying to see where he was going. Her hair was flying behind her rapidly in the wind, and she turned to look over her shoulder again. As she did so, she made eye contact with Draco and saw that her hair was whipping him in the face slightly. Hermione burst out laughing, facing forwards again in embarrassment. Draco shook his head, a smile forming on his lips as he tried to concentrate on flying.

"I can hold the broom while you get a hair band out of my bag," said Hermione. He slowly let go, and the broom wobbled a bit as Hermione took control, but she kept it steady enough.

"I'm trusting you, Granger..." said Draco with a smirk. They both remembered the time when Hermione had said that while giving him his wand back, and how cautious she was. She laughed, but then stopped as the broom started wobbling again. It took almost all of her concentration just to fly in a straight line. It amazed her how people like Draco could do back-flips and fly upside down without even using their arms, which he'd done in a match against Harry to show off. Draco held on with his thighs and feet, which were pressed against the brooms foot-pegs. Years of practice made flying a broom without holding on feel natural. And since Hermione was leaning back into Draco, she just had her feet on his and held on. He searched the bag, and it took nearly two whole minutes to find a hair band because of everything else inside.

"Here," said Draco, holding it out in front of her. Her hands were frozen to the broom, however. She hadn't moved an inch since they started flying. This was probably due to the fact that they'd been flying in freezing cold clouds since they escaped.

"Um, can you do it?" asked Hermione shyly. Draco raised an eyebrow in surprise, but didn't mind. He gently wove his hands through her hair, and pulled it into a long ponytail to stop it from whipping him in the face. Then he awkwardly tried to use the hair band.

"I dunno how girls do this so fast," he said in annoyance. Hermione giggled and gave him some tips, and a moment later he'd got it right. He moved the ponytail over her shoulder and onto her chest so that it wouldn't blow backwards, and then held onto the broom again.

"Thanks. My hands are so cold," said Hermione with a groan.

"Yeah, that's why in Quidditch gloves are used... can you move them?" asked Draco, poking her arm with a smirk.

"No, they're like frozen," Hermione replied, ignoring his poke and holding in a smile.

"Well, you've got to warm them up," said Draco, placing his hands over hers. She looked over her shoulder, a nervous smile forming on her lips.

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