Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

When Hermione woke up the next morning, she observed the Gryffindor sleeping quarters again. From the moment you walk in the door, everything was a royal red and gold colour, making her feel like she was in a miniature version of the Gryffindor tower. On either side of the corridor was a girls sleeping quarters and a boys sleeping quarters. And inside both sleeping quarters were five four-poster beds, and another door leading to a separate bathroom. Everything felt familiar to her, which made her curious as to what the other Houses sleeping quarters looked like. After checking the time and getting ready, she quickly left her quarters with her bag, and made her way down the hall to the main common room. As she walked in, she saw that not many people were awake. Mostly just a few Ravenclaw's sitting around one of the larger tables at the back of the room. Neville sitting by the fireplace reading a Herbology book. And a few other Hufflepuff's playing chess. Slytherin's were nowhere to be seen, they were either hiding in their sleeping quarters or they'd already gone to breakfast. Either way, the multi-house common room gave off a friendly and diverse appearance. As long as nobody was arguing, it would be quite a pleasant year.

"Hermione, you going to breakfast?" asked Neville when he saw her.

"Yeah, want to come?" she offered politely.

"Sure. Crabbe and Goyle left about twenty minutes ago, can you believe it?" asked Neville in exasperation. Hermione smiled, remembering being in the tent ages ago when Draco would tell her the stupid things Crabbe and Goyle did. Everyone knew that they were the first to get to breakfast, and the last to leave.

"I wonder how fat they've gotten this year," Hermione said in amusement, getting a laugh from Neville. It was odd leaving their common room from the dungeons, instead of the Gryffindor tower, and Hermione realised that she would be following the same path as the Slytherin's to the Great Hall every morning from now on. When they arrived in the Great Hall, there was hardly anyone there. The only people that arrived this early were people dedicated to studying quietly while they ate, people who couldn't sleep, people who simply woke up really early, and people who had to eat as much as they possibly could, for as long as possible. Crabbe and Goyle sat on the other side of the hall, enthusiastically stuffing their faces with anything their hands could reach. Every few minutes they would mumble something to each other and laugh stupidly. Hermione supposed that Draco was right, if the two giants were actually your friends, they wouldn't be too bad. Following you around cracking jokes, eating food, sticking up for you if anyone messed with you. Kind of like Harry and Ron, but... less complicated, and bigger. But of course, they weren't her friends and they never would be. Instead they would just scowl and insult her every time they saw her, without even knowing why. Hermione sighed as she loaded her plate with food, and got out a Transfiguration book to read as she ate. Neville did the same with his Herbology book. They were both a bit rusty due to the war, and becoming professors would need plenty of extra study.


When Draco woke up the next morning, he observed the Slytherin sleeping quarters again like Hermione did. His sleeping quarters were absolutely identical to the Gryffindor one, the only difference being the colour: everything was a deep green and silver. Why was this really bad? It was really bad because in the original Slytherin common room, all students had their own individual bedrooms. Whereas here in the eighth year common room, they had the same design as Gryffindor, five four-poster beds in the same room. This meant that he had to share a room with Crabbe and Goyle, whose snores were loud enough to hear through walls. When he got out of bed, he noticed that Crabbe and Goyle had of course already left for breakfast. He shook his head with a smirk at that, and saw that Blaise and Theodore were still sleeping. The moment he'd left his sleeping quarters, he was being bombarded with complaints.

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