Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Immediately after Snape had given them the instructions and told them to start, Theodore Nott raced to the ingredients cabinet with his textbook open to the relevant page, without saying a word to either of his partners. In a way he reminded Harry of a male, Slytherin Hermione. He was almost exactly the same in terms of grades and his quiet nature, except he also appeared to care about no one else but himself.

"Potter, you can get mine," Pansy said immediately, as she leaned against the desk and curled a loose strand of her hair.

"You can get your own, actually," said Harry firmly as he moved to walk away.

"If you don't get my ingredients I won't make the potion and you'll have to kiss Theo, and we both know that you want to kiss me," Pansy went on, lowering her voice seductively as she said it. This stopped him in his tracks, and he turned around and noticed her smiling at him deviously.

"I don't know what game you're playing Parkinson, but this isn't funny," said Harry in frustration.

"It's not supposed to be funny, I just don't want to get the ingredients. Everyone pushes and shoves, it's faster when boys do it," said Pansy innocently.

"I'm not getting your ingredients," Harry said flatly.

"It's not hard," Pansy argued.

"That's beside the point."

"Well okay, fine," said Pansy dismissively. She simply shrugged, sat down at the desk and crossed her arms.

"Are you going to get yours?" Harry asked uncertainly.



In the other group containing Ernie, Padma and Millicent, things were far more awkward. All three of them went to get their own ingredients, because Millicent refused to get anyone else's and didn't trust anyone else to get hers, Padma insisted on getting her own so that she could hand pick good ingredients, and Ernie didn't want to ask either of the girls to get his so he did it himself. At the bench, Millicent went on the opposite side of the table and began working in silence, while Ernie and Padma worked side by side.

"So uh, whose potion should we use do you think? And how are we going to go about the whole kissing thing?" began Ernie, in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Not mine, and not me. Shut up," said Millicent, whilst glaring at him. In truth Ernie had just wanted to establish the fact that he would be kissing Padma, and he would only be using Padma's potions because he did not trust nor like Millicent in any way shape or form. Now that this was out in the open, the three of them proceeded to make their potions in the same awkward silence.


"Oh Granger, yours is looking a little red! Doesn't the textbook clearly state that the potion should be a purpley-black colour?" asked Blaise, as he glanced over her shoulder and into her cauldron.

"Yes, Zabini, it does. Do you mind?" Hermione snapped, shuffling away from him uncomfortably.

"Are you worried? Do you think Snape will be mad?" Blaise continued persistently, causing Draco to chuckle as he stirred his potion.

"My god, you are actually one of the most annoying people I've ever met!" Hermione hissed, trying to hide the fact that she actually was worried because she rarely had problems with potions like this. And it was probably due to his constant distracting and pestering.

"It's okay. You can just drink mine instead if you'd like?" suggested Blaise harmlessly.

"I'm not drinking any potions, you guys are the ones drinking it," said Hermione firmly.

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