Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Diagon Alley was packed to its limits, and that was an understatement. Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione were hurrying through the crowded streets as they began buying everything they'd need for the school year at Hogwarts. In the past this was a stressful and difficult time for the Weasley's due to their lack of money, but this year it was easy. Since Kingsley was the Minister for Magic, Mr Weasley had been promoted weeks ago to a much better job and their family had received a bonus, as did many other families who had lost loved ones in the recent weeks leading up to Voldemort's death. With the extra money and better pay, they were finally able to buy everything that they needed. Harry also bought himself a new owl, but this one was as black as night, the opposite of his old snowy owl. Throughout the day they went from shop to shop buying new robes, quills, ink bottles, books, parchment, potion ingredients, cauldrons and many other magical objects that were on their list. Ron was also dying to enter Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes and buy a nice pile of prank objects, but Hermione refused to let him.

"I'm Head Girl now Ron, it's my responsibility to stop people from using prank objects," Hermione was arguing as the four of them walked down the main street, while Mr and Mrs Weasley were getting something to eat.

"But we're eighth years, we can do whatever we want!" groaned Ron stubbornly.

"You have the same privileges as seventh years, didn't you read the letter?" asked Hermione in annoyance.

"What about back when we were little, you always helped us break the rules," Ron continued.

"I only helped you break the rules so that we could save a hippogriff, or make Polyjuice Potion!"

"Exactly!" exclaimed Ron.

"But we were doing the right thing at the time. Buying Ton-Tongue Toffees and Whiz-Bangs aren't going to help anyone," said Hermione firmly, as they stopped outside a broomstick shop. All thought of arguing with his best friend about prank objects vanished as Ron followed Harry into the shop and began looking at the newest and fastest racing brooms. Hermione rolled her eyes and stayed outside with Ginny, as they talked about the new Hogwarts teachers who would surely be on the Hogwarts Express. There was also a chance that Snape may not be teaching in the future, since there was going to be a Potions Trainee... and the same was for Transfiguration and Herbology. And also Defence Against the Dark Arts, as everyone knew about the so called 'curse' that was on the job. As they talked about new teachers, Hermione found herself getting more and more excited with the idea of becoming a teacher. In a year, new students might be calling her the Transfiguration Professor. It was strange to imagine.

"I hope that the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is actually good this year, though. Another Umbridge would be horr-" Hermione suddenly stopped mid-sentence as she stared across the street. She'd glimpsed a flash of short blonde hair, and surely enough a second or two later she saw Draco Malfoy walking along the other side of the narrow street. By his facial expression, he seemed rather frustrated about something too.

"Hermione? What are you looking at?" asked Ginny curiously, as she followed her friends line of sight.

"Oh, nothing, I just thought I saw something," said Hermione hurriedly.

"Well, enough of teachers. Who do you think the Head Boy will be?" asked Ginny in excitement. That was an excellent question, and one that Hermione had been pondering over ever since she'd gotten her Head Girl badge. It was most likely going to be someone from Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw though, because she couldn't imagine a Slytherin being chosen after what had happened in the past couple of years.

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