Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Life for Hermione was more dull than ever, and not even studying could improve it. Being in her muggle home was comforting for the first week, but then her parents returned to work and she was left studying and doing nothing else. Thankfully she could apparate though, and this gave her the ability to visit The Burrow within seconds, whenever she wanted to, which was becoming a habit. Even though she wasn't living at The Burrow, she spent most of her time there during the day. And Harry was still living with the Weasley's, since he didn't have to return to the Dursley's anymore now that Voldemort was gone. So Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were still spending plenty of time together, both at The Burrow and in Diagon Alley. This helped Hermione take her mind of off one particular Slytherin, although every time she walked past Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour she couldn't help but be reminded of him. She had decided to simply block out all thoughts to do with him, because she was still angry with him and there was nothing else that she could do about it.

Suddenly she realised that she was thinking about Draco again, and sighed in annoyance as she put her textbook down and left her bedroom. From the kitchen there was the familiar sound of an owl hooting, and Hermione made her way towards the owl curiously. Why would Harry or Ron owl her, if they could just apparate here? Or perhaps it was Draco... 'No, it isn't him and it never will be, stop thinking about it!', Hermione thought to herself in frustration. When she finally entered the kitchen, she saw the Hogwarts crest was on the envelope which the owl was holding. Her heart skipped a beat from the shock of receiving her Hogwarts letter, which looked identical to the first one she'd gotten seven years ago. Nothing else mattered in that moment, as she quickly made her way over to the owl and took the envelope. The first thing she noticed was the weight and feel: it was heavy, and there were at least two badges inside, and a few sheets of paper. When she opened the envelope and let the contents fall out onto the kitchen table, six objects appeared: a Head Girl badge, a red and gold badge with a lion and the words 'Gryffindor' engraved on it, a list of required books and equipment, her official Hogwarts letter and two other sheets of paper. After inspecting the beautiful Gryffindor badge curiously, she quickly began reading her letter.


Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall

Dear Miss Granger,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This unique letter has only been sent to your year group, who will be formally referred to as 'Eighth Years'. Although you are older than the rest of the students, you are really an addition to the seventh year group, and so you have the same privileges and responsibilities as them. This is because you will be learning the same subjects, completing the same assignments and doing the same N.E.W.T examinations as your seventh year peers. Therefore there have been some changes made to make this year comfortable and fair for everyone. Please read the following information, as it is vital for all eighth years to understand:

- You have a separate carriage on the Hogwarts Express, which was added this year to provide more room on the train. It is exclusive to eighth years, prefects, staff and teachers only.

- You will have a separate dormitory from the rest of the school, and you will be given further instructions about this on the Hogwarts Express.

- You may be learning the same content as the seventh year group, but you will not share classes with them. The eighth year class is separate and exclusive.

- You are allowed to visit Hogsmeade any weekend. This is a privilege, and rule-breaking may result in you being banned from Hogsmeade.

- You are allowed to play Quidditch, despite being older than the other students. This is a privilege, and rule-breaking may result in you being banned from Quidditch.

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