Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Shortly after Snape had revealed his memories to the Wizengamot, Draco and Hermione had gone to bed. It only took that day for them to have covered everything that could come up in his trial. It had quickly become evident that Draco would be fine, given that he hadn't committed any severe crimes and that he had Kingsley's support as the Minister for Magic. Hermione went over other defences that Draco had. He was still young, and his mother was promised to be cleared of all charges due to her innocence. There were multiple eye witnesses who saw Draco refuse to kill Hermione, proving that he wasn't on Voldemort's side and that he was good by nature. Hermione was confident that he wouldn't end up in Azkaban, at least. Despite all of this however, the two of them still ended up alone in Draco's room surrounded by books again the next morning.

"What do you think of last night? With Snape?" asked Hermione curiously as she sat opposite him on the bed. Books and plates of breakfast lay scattered between them, and the picturesque bedroom window was letting fresh morning air inside. To Draco, everything about that morning made him feel relaxed and oddly free. To be able to freely talk to someone who he considered a friend, without any outside opinions, prejudices, or barriers getting between them. Although they hadn't admitted it to each other, there was a wordless, mutual acknowledgement that they had become friends.

"To be honest, I was surprised. All along I thought that the joke was on Dumbledore, the Death Eaters used to call him the old fool. But..." Draco trailed off, scratching his chin.

"Snape had been with Dumbledore from the very beginning. The joke was on Voldemort," finished Hermione in wonder. The Slytherin in front of her flinched at the Dark Lord's name slightly, and immediately regretted it. He felt like a weakling. He probably looked like a weakling too, and she noticed it.

"He's not around anymore, Malfoy. There's no more taboo. You can say his name, fear of the name only-" Hermione began to say.

"Only increases fear of the thing itself, I know Granger," finished Draco firmly. He'd heard her say this before, it sounded like something Dumbledore would make up. Hermione was watching him curiously, as if she was sizing him up. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay then, you can either: A - continue reading 'The Wizengamot - A Guide for Beginner's'; or you can: B - say Voldemort's name," Hermione proposed playfully.

"Voldemort," drawled Draco in an effortless, almost bored way. He appeared completely at ease with it. Hermione was shocked, initially expecting him to refuse, and she just shook her head.

"What?" he asked in mock surprise.

"Your acting skills are unbelievable. I'm confused," she admitted as she leaned back on one of the pillows.

"I only flinched because you took me by surprise earlier. I flinched because of the... bad memories that the name brings back," Draco explained, but he stiffened slightly as he announced that particular truth. Hermione could see right through him at that moment, and she leaned forwards slowly. The subject of Voldemort obviously brought back horrific and nightmarish memories, possibly the worst memories of Draco's life, yet he could still force himself to speak about it effortlessly. He was speaking and acting indifferent, but in reality she could see him stiffen, see his eyes go cold as he visualised his greatest fears and worst memories. In a strange, personal way, it was very brave.

"See something you like?" asked Draco sarcastically, looking rather amused. Hermione blushed as she realised she'd been staring at him.

"Sorry it's just... interesting," said Hermione with a nervous smile as she looked down at the book in her lap.

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