His Theme

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There's a world out up above
It would not show me love
I thought I could stop the end
Be here with you, my friend

Somewhere deep down I believed
I'd bring you back to me
I thought we could have some fun
Can my damage be undone?

I'd forgotten how to feel,
Not sure if I was real,
If I am no longer me,
Then what can I still be?

By your side until the end,
I thought I'd be your friend,
I still hold onto that hope,
No matter what I am then.

So please just leave me behind
I couldn't win this time,
I don't want to let you go,
I'll be okay alone,

You deserve far better friends,
Now you're here at the end,
I can let all of them go,
I'll be okay alone

(Music change)


Leave me be,
Say goodbye,

You can't help, why must you try?

Why must you stay with me

Your battle's won, go with your family

I don't deserve your MERCY

If you won't FIGHT, please just leave

No one came, or heard my call

I'm so glad you took your fall

Forgive me, stay with me

You're the last light I'll see

It's not fair to be alone

After what you've been through

So let me just ease your pain

Please let me stay with you

I'll continue to reach out

I won't abandon you


To keep trying to save you

I will give you my MERCY

because it's clear to me

FIGHTING won't solve anything

Forgiveness isnt easy

I will stay here by your side,

I know it's frightening

To think that you might now leave

But that my friend is why

I will SPARE your life always

And hold you tight and close

We will be together here

Until it's safe to go

(Adapted from Cami-Cat and Lizz)

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