Don't give up!

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(All spoken)

Toriel: Do not be afraid, my child... no matter what happens... We will always be there to protect you.

Papyrus: THAT'S RIGHT, HUMAN! We know that you can win! Just do what I would do! Believe in you!

Undyne: Hey! Human! If you got past ME, you can do anything! So don't worry! We're with you all the way!

Sans: Huh? You haven't beaten this guy yet? Come on, this weirdo's got nothing on you.

Alphys: Technically, it's impossible for you to beat him, b-but... somehow, I know you can do it!

Asgore: Human... for the future of humans and monsters, you have to stay determined!

Monster Kid (and other monsters): (We're with you too!) Come on, you got this! (Yeah!)

Muffet, Napstablook (and other monsters) You've got to win! (You can do it!) Yeah...

Flowey: N-no... unbelievable! This can't be happening! You... you... I can't believe you're all so STUPID! All of your souls are mine!

(Napstablook just leaves)

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