Your Best Nightmare

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Chorus Leader: Hush now, little ones. I have a story for you. A story of men.. And monsters. Long ago, two races ruled over Earth - humans and monsters.

Chorus Leader and Flowey: One day, they all disappeared without a trace!

(The human wakes up in inky blackness. Flowey's massive face hovers above them.)

Flowey: Howdy! It's me, Flowey. Flowey the Flower. I owe you a huge thanks! You really did a number on the old fool. Without you, I never would have been able to get past him! But now, with your help... He's DEAD. And I've got the human souls! *Laugh* Boy, I've been empty for so long, it feels great to have a SOUL inside me again! Mmm, I can feel them wriggling! Aww, you're feeling left out, aren't you? Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have six souls. I still need one more... before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. EVERYONE. I'll show them all the TRUE meaning of this world! Golly, if only you had Determination to fall back on... but you were too STUPID to use it! But don't worry. Your old friend Flowey has worked out a replacement for you! I'll save and reload your own death. So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces over, and over, and over! ... What? Do you really think you can stop ME? Hee hee hee... You really ARE an idiot!

(The lights flicker from black to red, revealing the silhouette of a terrifying monstrocity, before they finally come back on, revealing Omega Flowey, who laughs maniacally at the human.)

While you had a pow-wow,
I was feeling so proud,

Finding the means to an end,
While you're making your friends,

Now their souls are mine, too,
And it's all thanks to you,

'Cause you took up his time
Gave me room for my crime!

Snuck right up to the king,
Then slaughtered him, cackling!

There's no more time to cry!
Toodle-oo, kiddo! DIE!

(Spoken) Huh? WHY am I still doing this? Don't you get it? This is all just a SHOW. And we're playing parts!

I will destroy you
shatter your worldview
crush your pathetic dreams

'Cause I am smarter
you're just a martyr
now let me hear you scream!

(Spoken) You'll die for nothing! Tearing you apart... what fun that'll be!

Cry all you want, kid!
I'll just enjoy it
making you twist and squirm

I took your save file
I'll make you watch while
Everything you love burns

Why are you still fighting?
Don't you know I've won?

Come back every time, then,
I've only just begun!

I can't feel anything!
No sense of empathy!

So yell at me, waste your time,
Fall before my entropy!

You can never make me whole
You helped me achieve the goal!
Now at last I have the souls!
Now at last I'm in control!

Everyone said I'm insane,
Everybody dies in pain,
But now I've become a god!
In this world, I finally reign!

Spoken: You have no idea what this is like! (maniacal laughter) I can feel the human souls wriggling inside me! They're screaming in pain, just like you! Want to hear, want to HEAR!!?

Listen, they're shrieking
What little weaklings!
Dance to my puppet strings!

I'll use their power
this final hour
Service to their new king!


Am I too vicious?
Oh, how delicious!
Let's try another game!

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