Chapter 13

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"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

----???'s POV-----

"Now, I called you here because I found out that a fallen angel has landed." My boss says.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I say.

"You need to bring him to our side."

"How will I do that?"

"Get him to do something very bad."

"So it's a him?"

"I just found out about him myself, I don't know all the details." He yells to me.

"Why did you want me to change him?"

"You're the best demon I have."


"If you can't change him, kill him." My boss dismisses me after the conversation, but I don't leave.

"Where is he?"

"In El Paso, Texas."

"Ok, I will now leave." I leave his room and walk down the hallway to my room. I pack my clothes, being a demon in the underworld I don't have much of anything else. Once I get done packing, I go to the portal to the overworld. I jump in and I find myself at a school, time to start the day.

I walked through the hallway with my human disguise on, I was tall, blonde hair, and had an australian accent. Everyone seemed to see me, I was one of the tallest people here. I went to the office and they had a schedule for me. My first class was art, right when I got to the room the teacher was shaking the hand of the last person in line.

"Wait." I yell to her. She turns around.

"Why, hello. You must be the new student. Lachlan Power, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." I shake her hand and she brings me to the front of the room.

"Everyone, can I can your attention. This is a new student and he will be sitting..." She looked around the room.

"Right next to Vikram. But first tell us something about yourself." She looks at me expectantly.

"Umm, I'm from Australia, and my name is Lachlan...." I couldn't think of anything else to say after that, so I went to go sit next to the boy she pointed to.

"Hi, I'm Vikram, but you can call me Vikk." He stuck out his hand.

"I'm Lachlan." I shook his hand.

"You know, I think I will call you little Lachy." He tells me.

"If I'm "Little" what does that make you?" I joke.

"Why you gotta make fun of my height?"

"Because you're super short." I say. He pouts once I say that.

"I'm still gonna call you little Lachy." He says. For the first time in awhile someone made me smile. The bell rings after a few more minutes and I walk with Vikk and his friends.

"That's Preston, Rob, Dylan, Tymorilyn (Tym for short), and you already know me." He introduced me to them.

"What's the plans for after school?" Preston asks.

"We could play some games, I can go ask Jerome to play some with us." Tym says.

"Sounds fun, Lachlan want to join us?"

"Umm... sure."

"Great, meet you at my house." Preston says.

"Don't you mean our house." Dylan says to him.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I ended up just following Vikk all day, he didn't seem to mind since I was new to this school. Once school was over Vikk led me to Preston and Dylan's house. He walked in and put his bookbag in one of the rooms. I put mine in after him and followed him downstairs. No one else was home yet so we had a few minutes to talk by ourselves.

"So what was Australia like?" He asks me, he also had an accent.

"It was nice."

"That's all, how big is the biggest kangaroo you've ever seen?"

"About 5 feet tall."


"Yeah, do you have anything else to talk about?"

"Not really, I was expecting you to say more about Australia."


"It's ok, do you have any questions for me?"

"Umm, where are you from?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have an accent, what country are you from. Clearly not from here."

"Oh, I'm from Europe." I was really starting to like this guy.

"Do anything---" My sentence was cut off from everyone else walking into the room.

"Ready to start playing some games?" Vikk yells, he grabs two controllers and gives one to me.

"I don't think I will today guys." Preston says going upstairs.

"What's wrong with him?" Vikk asks Dylan who sat on the other couch.

"Oh, Rob couldn't come over today."

"Oh, so Tym isn't coming over either?" Vikk asks.

"Nope. I could still go ask Jerome to come."

"Sure." Dylan runs out the back door.

"Where does Jerome live?" I ask.

"In the forest."

"What?" I was confused now.

"Yeah, but don't worry he has a house and can catch his own food."

"Uhmm, can you explain more?"

"He has a good house in the woods, and catches his own food or finds it."


"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Jerome is a bacca morph."

"Oh, that makes more sense." We kept talking for a few more minutes then Dylan comes in the back door.

"He didn't want to come." He says.

"Ok, looks like it's just us three." Vikk says.

"Actually I will go talk to Preston, so I will just leave you two alone." Dylan says.

"Fine then." Vikk says.

What are we going to do." I ask him.

"I don't know." He says.

"What about a movie?" I ask.

"Sure, what one?" He asks.

"You can choose."

"What about... Frozen?"

"I've never heard of that, so sure."

"Ok, I think they have the movie here." He got up and went to a shelf and found it. He put it in the DVD player and sat by me. He pressed play on the remote and we watched it in silence.

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