Chapter 3

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"Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future." -David Mitchell

"Come again?" Toni asked in confusion.

"Mississippi, that's M-I-...and some more letters." He answered.

"This is a dream, this has to be a dream. Wake up Toni." She said as she pinched herself. "Why is this not working?"

"Are you a lunatic? Because I think the crazy house is back down that rode. It's a nice place for people like you."

"I'm not crazy Mr..."

"Tyson, I ain't got no last name." He answered shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Toni."

"Well that's an odd name for a girl..."

"Tyson, I really need get back home so..."

"Where might that be?"


"Oooh, I ain't never been there. How did you get all the way here by yourself?"

"I didn't! I was in my closet and I opened the door to...THIS!!"

"Again, the crazy house is back down that rode over there..."

"Ugh, never mind." She said as she saw a man on a horse riding by.

"Excuse me sir, can you please help me?" She asked trying to catch up with him.

"Get back to work nigger, I don't talk to your kind!" The man said in a thick southern accent.

"Who the fuck do you think you're calling a ni-"

"Ms. Toni don't say anything." Tyson warned.

"No, I'm trying to figure out who this ASSHOLE thinks he's talking to!!" She said making the man stop his horse.

He hopped off walking up to her as she glared at him.

"What did you just call me?" The man asked before he grabbed her by her hair making her wince in pain. He took a whip out of his belt loop and threw her on the ground. "I'll show you..." he said as he was about hit her, but Tyson jumped in between them.

"Please Mr. Sinclair, I beg you. She's not from 'round here she doesn't know how it is."

"Well you better teach her. I would hate to inform Mr. Walsh."

"Too late. Tyson, who is this?" Mr. Walsh said looking at Toni who was on the ground whimpering. He was a stout, middle-aged man, with light brown hair.

"What's your name gal?" Mr. Sinclair echoed.

"Toni." She answered lowly.

"Where you from?"


"Never heard of it."

"Wait she's not yours?" Sinclair asked.


"Sir can we keep her? I promise I'll watch her." Tyson asked making Toni look at him crazy.

Mr. Walsh stares at Toni for a few seconds, "Fine. Take her inside so Vera can get her settled."

Tyson helped Toni up and walked her in the old mansion. When they were inside, Toni snatched away from him.

"What the hell?!! I'm not a fucking stray dog. Why did you ask him that?" She asked angrily.

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