Chapter 4

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"Three hundred years in the deepest South:
But God put a song and a prayer in my mouth.
God put a dream like steel in my soul.
Now, through my children, I'm reaching the goal..." -Langston Hughes, The Negro Mother

"Nina I'm telling you it was real. There's no other way to explain it." Toni said drinking a smoothie.

"Toni, it makes no sense. Your grandmother's name was Michele not Katherine."

"Yeah but my great-grandmother's name was Katherine. Maybe its about her. Maybe it's about both of them!" Toni said thinking.

"Girl this is not the Chronicles of Narnia, there is no alternate universe in your closet. You probably just had a very realistic dream."


"Toni. Your losing it." She said making Toni groan.

"Toni?! Toni where are you?!" They heard Dylan call through the house.

"In the kitchen!" She answered. He came in the kitchen and immediately pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Did someone come here today or call you? Anything unusual?" He asked frantically.

"No, baby what's wrong? You're scaring me."

He wanted to tell her about the phone calls he was getting but he didn't want her to worry. For all he knew they could have been prank calls from his opponent's supporters.


"Well I have to go pick up my nephew." Nina said.

"Wait! I'll have my security guard escort you out."

"Dylan its only like 10 feet away I think I'll survive." She chuckled as she walked out the door.

There was a moment of silence before Dylan's phone rang and he nearly jumped out of his skin. It rang again and he hesitantly answered it.

"Hello?" He said into the phone. After 5 seconds he hung and slammed his phone on the counter.

"Dylan, what's going on?" Toni asked just as the phone began to ring again. In a panic, Dylan opened a drawer and pulled out a hammer. He then began repeatedly hitting the phone with it until the phone shattered.

"Dylan!! Why did you do that?!" Toni asked in shock.

"It's nothing Toni, just don't leave this house for a few days."

"What?!!! I have to work!"

"Just for a few days Toni." He said walking to their bedroom.

"So, you're just not going to tell me why the hell I can't leave the house?" She asked following him.


"Ugh!! You're so annoying!!"

"And you're a pain in the ass!!"

Toni went into the bathroom and slammed the door. She was waiting for Dylan to knock on the door and apologize, but he didn't and that made her even angrier. She hesitantly opened the door ready for another argument. When she did she was back in Mississippi. "You gotta be kidding me." She whispered.

"You should get back in there they've been looking all over for you." She heard from behind her. She turned around to see a young guy with dark hair.

"And you are?"

"Chase...Chase Walsh. Hey, how do you keep appearing and disappearing like that?"

"You've been watching me?"

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