Chapter 5

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"...Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise..." -Maya Angelou, Still I Rise

The doorbell rang and Toni ran and opened it.

"Daddy!!" She squealed hugging him.

"Hey hon-"

"Come on." She interrupted as she yanked him into the house.

"Hi Dad." Dylan said as he watched Toni nearly drag her father through the house. Michael waved. Toni came to a stop, pulled her father into the closet and closed the door.

"Okay, put this on." She said forcing the bracelet on his wrist.
"Okay now watched this..." she said before she opened the door. When she did, they saw Dylan standing there waving and smiling. Toni closed the door in his face.

"Okay, spin around three times or something." She ordered.

"Toni sweetheart, do you wanna tell me what's going on?" He said as he did what he was told.

"You're gonna find out in 3...2...1" she said and she opened the door to the hallway again. Dylan walked past them and waved again.

"Ugh!! Why is it not working?"

"Sweetheart are you okay?" Michael asked putting his hand on her forehead.

"I'm fine..." she said disappointed.

"Aww, tell daddy what's wrong."

"Oh she already told me..." Dylan trailed off and Michael gave him death glare as Toni's eyes widened.

"Oh you meant...because you're her real da- I'm gonna go clean something..." Dylan said before speed-walking away. Michael looked at Toni and she flashed an innocent smile.

"Anyway, what's all this about?" He asked. Toni told him everything that happened after she opened the box.

"Honey it was probably a dream because all of that stuff was on your mind."

"Dad it wasn't a dream. I had a bruise and everything. If only this stupid bracelet would work I could show you."

"Well here's an idea; stop wearing the bracelet." He chuckled.

"I can't its like I can't take it off or something."

"Sweetheart, get some rest and we'll talk later, okay?"

Toni nodded as he kissed her forehead and walked to the front door. She knew he didn't believe her.

"Son, next time keep your bedroom business in the bedroom." He said to Dylan.

"Yes sir...sorry." Dylan said awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

Michael chuckled as he walked out of the door.

Toni played with the bracelet and and put it on. She chuckled as she shook her head. "Maybe he's right. I'm probably losing it." She said to herself.

"Hey Dylan we should-" she opened the door and she was in the place that had her mind going crazy. "Really? Now it works?!!" She said.

It was daylight again unlike last time she was there. The sound of a man singing pulled her towards a cotton field.

"Oh go down, Moses,
Way down into Egypt's land,
Tell old Pharaoh,
Let my people go." He sang and the other men working in the field joined in.

"She's coming." Toni heard Vera say from behind her.


"Moses, the one their singing about."

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